SGGaming Recruiting players (GMT +8 timezone)

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SGGaming Facebook page: and
Voice Chat (Raidcall) Channel : SGGaming
Just google raidcall and download it and find our channel to join us for voice chat

We a community for gaming mainly catering to players of GMT+8 time zone. Singapore, malaysia, Indonesia..etc as long as using English as main language.

As POE don't have a very good loot system (I think POE is better than diablo 3 but diablo 3 got a good loot system whereby each player only see their own loot) thus playing with people you trust is very important as friends. guild mates will be more likely to share loots and give away loots which they don't need rather than just picking up everything with their fast finger when u party with pick up players.

A small group of us are currently testing this game and so far response is good.

We welcome players to join us daily 7pm-12mn (GMT+8) on our raidcall channel for party up.

Once you familiar with us you may wish to join our website so as to be playing togather in future fun games

Add me in game : SGBossMan to play togather as a team

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