Threads and profiles access with tiny links

Hello, dear Community!

Sometimes i see, how people writing something like "selling blabla, watch all at /forum/view-thread/123-blabla" or "Check forum /forum/view-thread/123-blabla". In such situation player must take a screenshot and retype text after. I think, that someone have difficultes,because they need to open existing topic from 1st page and change topic ID. Selecting with mouse often makes error (technically you can select less or more).
Same problem with profile name. Because if you want to watch profile of someone, you need to open any user and after to change name.

It will be great to type something/123 as forum thread or /addiaboli as profile name and to be redirected, instead of taking a screenshot and spending time to changing text in URL.

For this reasons i've created and if you'll type you'll be redirected to topic thread #501840 where player asking "Copy Text From Chat". Same time you can type and you'll see my profile.

Hope it will be useful and great. There is no images (except ASCII), there is no JS and no ads. Only html page of 911 bytes size and "302 redirects" for requests.

P.S. if you have some questions or ideas, you can write in this topic and i'll be glad to answer.
(i'm sorry for mistakes in english, it's not my primary language).

/1625088 - my Perandus shop
/746510 - PoE tiny service
/901183 - new contract system (Support it!!)
/1183686 - My map is MAD!
/1145686 - my Gear /899106 - my Shop

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