Linear Algebra Test Tomorrow

5675 character formula sheet in spoiler

|Theorem 2.1.1 If A is an nxn matrix, then regardless of what row or column of A is chosen, the number obtained by mulitplying the entries in that row or column by the corresponding cofactors and adding the resulting products is always the same.|Def.2 multiplying row or column by cofactors and adding is det(A) and the sums are cofactor exspansions of A:det(A)=a1jC1j+a2jC2j+...+anjCnj|Theorem 2.1.2 If A is an nxn triangular matrix then det(A) is the product of the diagonal entries|Theorem 2.2.1 Let A be a square matrix, if A has a row of zeros of a column of zeros then det(A)=0|Theorem 2.2.2 Let A be a square matrix, then det(A)=det(AT)|Theorem 2.2.3 Let A be an nxn matrix (a) If B is the matrix that results when a single row or single column of A is multiplied by a scalar k then det(B)=kdet(A) det(kA)=kndet(A).(b)If B is the matrix that results when two rows or two columns of A are interchanged then det(B)=-det(A). (c)If B is the matrix that results when a multiple of one row of A is added to another row (or columns) then det(B)=det(A)|Theorem 2.2.4 Let E be an nxn elementary matrix (a)If E results form multiplying a by nonzero number k det(E)=k. (B)If E results from interchanging two rows then det(E)=-1.(c)If E results from adding a multiple of one row to another det(E)=1.|Theorem 2.2.5 If A is a square matrix with two proportional rows(or columns) then det(A)=0|Theorem 2.3.1 If A,B, and C differ by only one row(or column) then det(C)=det(A)+det(B) that is, add differing rows of A and B to get the corresponding row(or column) of C|Theorem 2.3.3 A square matrix is invertible if and only if det(A)≠0|Theorem 2.3.4 If A and B are the same size square matrices det(AB)=det(A)det(B)|Theorem 2.3.5 If A is invertible det(A)-1=1/det(A)|Definition 2.3.1 adj(A) is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of A|Theorem 2.3.6 A-1=(1/det(A))adj(A)|Cramers Rule if Ax=B is a system of n linear equations in n unknowns where det(A)≠0 then the system has a unique solution. x1=det(A1)/det(A)...xn=det(An)/det(A) where A1 to An are the matrices formed when each column is replaced by the matrix B from A1 to An.|Theorem 2.3.8 If A is nxn matrix then the following statements are equivalent (a)A is invertible (b)Ax=0 has only the trivial solution (c) Reduced row echelon form of A is In (d) A can be expressed as a product of elementary matrices. (e) Ax=B is consistent for every nx1 matrix B (f) Ax=B has exactly one solution for every nx1 matrix B (g)det(A)≠0|Definition 3.1 all ordered n-tuples is called n-space denoted Rn|Definition 3.2 vectors v and w are equal when v1 = w1 = wn denoted v = w|Definition 3.3 v+w=(v1+w1, kv=(kv1....kvn) -v=(-v1...-vn) w-v=w+(-v)|Theorem 3.3.1 u,v vectors k,m scalars(a) u+v=v+u (b)(u+v)+w=u+(v+w) (c)u+0=0+u=u (d)u+(-u)=0 (e)k(u+v)=ku+kv (f)(k+m)u=ku+km (g)k(mu)=(km)u (h)1u=u|Theorem 3.1.2 (a)0v=0 (b)k0=0 (c)-1v=-v|
Definitoin 4 w is linear combination of vectors when w=k1v1+...+knVn k are scalars called coeffcients|Defintion 3.2.1 the norm of a vector is ||v||=sqrt(v21 + … v2n)|Theorem 3.2.1 ||v||>=0 ||v||=0 if v=0 ||kv||=|k|||v||.|Definition 2 distance is d(u,v)=||u-v||.|Definition 3 dot product(inner product) is u•v=||u||||v||cosθ if u=0 or v=0 u•v=0|Definition 4 inner product u•v=u1v1+...unvn|Theorem 3.2.2 (a)u•v=v•u [symmetry] (b) u•(v+w)=u•v+u•w [distribution] (c)k(u•v)=(ku)•v [homgenenity] (d) v•v>=0 and v•v=0 iff v=0 [positivity]|Theorem 3.2.3 (a)0•v=v•0=0 (b) (u+v)•w=u•w+v•w (c)u•(v-w)=u•v-u•w (d)(u-v)•w=u•w-v•w (e)k(u•v)=u•(kv)|Theorem 3.2.4 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality |u•v|<=||u||||v||.|Theorem 3.2.5 Triangle Inequality of Vectors ||u+v||<=||u||+||v||.|Defintion 3.3.1 u and v are orthogonal if u•v=0 also zero vector is orthogonal to all vectors and an orthogonal set of vectors means all pairs of vectors are orthogonal and is called an orthonormal set.|Theorem 3.3.1 ax+by+c=0 represents a line with normal n=(a,b) ax+by+cz+d=0 represents a plane with a normal n=(a,b,c)|projau=(u•a/||a||2)a|Theorem 3.3.4 The distance D between the point P0(x0,y0) and the line ax+by+c=0 is D=|ax0+byo+c|/sqrt(a2+b2) and distance D between the point P0(x0,y0,z0) and the plane ax+by+cz+d=0 is D=|ax0+byo+cz0+d|/sqrt(a2+b2+c2)|Theorem 3.4.1 the equation of the line through x0 that is parallel to v is x=x0+tv if x0=0 then the line passes through the origin and has the form x=tv|Theorem 3.4.2 the equation of the plane through x0 that is parallel to v1 and v2 is x=x0+t1v1+t2v2 if x0=0 then the plane passes through the origin and has the form x= t1v1+t2v2|Definition 3.4.3 If x0 and x1 are vectors in Rn then the equation x=x0+t(x1-x0) (0<=t<=1) defines the line segment from x0 to x1|Theorem 3.4.4 The general solution of a consistent linear system Ax=B can beobtained by adding any specific solution of Ax=B to the general solution of Ax=0|Definition 3.5.1 cross product u x v = (u2v3-u3v2, u3v1-u1v3, u1v2-u2v1)|Theorem 3.5.1 u x v is orthogonal to u and v|Theorem 3.5.3 ||u x v|| is the area of a parallelogram in 3-space.|Definition 4.1.1 Let V be an arbitary non empty set of objects on which two operations are defined: addition and multiplication by scalars. If the following axioms are satisified by all objects u,v and w in V and all scalars k and m, then we call V a vector space and we call the objects in V vectors. 1.If u and v are objects in V then u + v is in V 2. u+v=v+u 3. u+(v+w)=(u+v)+w 4. There is an object 0 in V called a zero vector for V such that 0+u=u+0=u 5. For each u in V there is an object -u in V called a negative of u such that u+(-u)=(-u)+u=0 6. if k is any scalar and u is any object in V then ku is in V 7.k(u+v)=ku+kv 8. (k+m)u=ku+mu 9. k(mu)=(km)u 10. 1u=u
Good luck with that *soaks head in ice water.* =@[.]@=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Sometimes being old is a bonus. No more school! (Except for the classes I took earlier this year and the ones I need for work next year too.)
42 ... the answer is always 42.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
This is my next educational endeavor :/
apply alcohol to stomach
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here:
World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build:
Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral
Pavshaus wrote:
42 ... the answer is always 42.

Sorry to burst your bubble but what's the 13th smallest prime number?
"You can't bash someone else's shitty taste in music when you listen to 'grindcore'" -TheWretch̢
ampdecay wrote:
5675 character formula sheet in spoiler

|Theorem 2.1.1 If A is an nxn matrix, then regardless of what row or column of A is chosen, the number obtained by mulitplying the entries in that row or column by the corresponding cofactors and adding the resulting products is always the same.|Def.2 multiplying row or column by cofactors and adding is det(A) and the sums are cofactor exspansions of A:det(A)=a1jC1j+a2jC2j+...+anjCnj|Theorem 2.1.2 If A is an nxn triangular matrix then det(A) is the product of the diagonal entries|Theorem 2.2.1 Let A be a square matrix, if A has a row of zeros of a column of zeros then det(A)=0|Theorem 2.2.2 Let A be a square matrix, then det(A)=det(AT)|Theorem 2.2.3 Let A be an nxn matrix (a) If B is the matrix that results when a single row or single column of A is multiplied by a scalar k then det(B)=kdet(A) det(kA)=kndet(A).(b)If B is the matrix that results when two rows or two columns of A are interchanged then det(B)=-det(A). (c)If B is the matrix that results when a multiple of one row of A is added to another row (or columns) then det(B)=det(A)|Theorem 2.2.4 Let E be an nxn elementary matrix (a)If E results form multiplying a by nonzero number k det(E)=k. (B)If E results from interchanging two rows then det(E)=-1.(c)If E results from adding a multiple of one row to another det(E)=1.|Theorem 2.2.5 If A is a square matrix with two proportional rows(or columns) then det(A)=0|Theorem 2.3.1 If A,B, and C differ by only one row(or column) then det(C)=det(A)+det(B) that is, add differing rows of A and B to get the corresponding row(or column) of C|Theorem 2.3.3 A square matrix is invertible if and only if det(A)≠0|Theorem 2.3.4 If A and B are the same size square matrices det(AB)=det(A)det(B)|Theorem 2.3.5 If A is invertible det(A)-1=1/det(A)|Definition 2.3.1 adj(A) is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of A|Theorem 2.3.6 A-1=(1/det(A))adj(A)|Cramers Rule if Ax=B is a system of n linear equations in n unknowns where det(A)≠0 then the system has a unique solution. x1=det(A1)/det(A)...xn=det(An)/det(A) where A1 to An are the matrices formed when each column is replaced by the matrix B from A1 to An.|Theorem 2.3.8 If A is nxn matrix then the following statements are equivalent (a)A is invertible (b)Ax=0 has only the trivial solution (c) Reduced row echelon form of A is In (d) A can be expressed as a product of elementary matrices. (e) Ax=B is consistent for every nx1 matrix B (f) Ax=B has exactly one solution for every nx1 matrix B (g)det(A)≠0|Definition 3.1 all ordered n-tuples is called n-space denoted Rn|Definition 3.2 vectors v and w are equal when v1 = w1 = wn denoted v = w|Definition 3.3 v+w=(v1+w1, kv=(kv1....kvn) -v=(-v1...-vn) w-v=w+(-v)|Theorem 3.3.1 u,v vectors k,m scalars(a) u+v=v+u (b)(u+v)+w=u+(v+w) (c)u+0=0+u=u (d)u+(-u)=0 (e)k(u+v)=ku+kv (f)(k+m)u=ku+km (g)k(mu)=(km)u (h)1u=u|Theorem 3.1.2 (a)0v=0 (b)k0=0 (c)-1v=-v|
Definitoin 4 w is linear combination of vectors when w=k1v1+...+knVn k are scalars called coeffcients|Defintion 3.2.1 the norm of a vector is ||v||=sqrt(v21 + … v2n)|Theorem 3.2.1 ||v||>=0 ||v||=0 if v=0 ||kv||=|k|||v||.|Definition 2 distance is d(u,v)=||u-v||.|Definition 3 dot product(inner product) is u•v=||u||||v||cosθ if u=0 or v=0 u•v=0|Definition 4 inner product u•v=u1v1+...unvn|Theorem 3.2.2 (a)u•v=v•u [symmetry] (b) u•(v+w)=u•v+u•w [distribution] (c)k(u•v)=(ku)•v [homgenenity] (d) v•v>=0 and v•v=0 iff v=0 [positivity]|Theorem 3.2.3 (a)0•v=v•0=0 (b) (u+v)•w=u•w+v•w (c)u•(v-w)=u•v-u•w (d)(u-v)•w=u•w-v•w (e)k(u•v)=u•(kv)|Theorem 3.2.4 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality |u•v|<=||u||||v||.|Theorem 3.2.5 Triangle Inequality of Vectors ||u+v||<=||u||+||v||.|Defintion 3.3.1 u and v are orthogonal if u•v=0 also zero vector is orthogonal to all vectors and an orthogonal set of vectors means all pairs of vectors are orthogonal and is called an orthonormal set.|Theorem 3.3.1 ax+by+c=0 represents a line with normal n=(a,b) ax+by+cz+d=0 represents a plane with a normal n=(a,b,c)|projau=(u•a/||a||2)a|Theorem 3.3.4 The distance D between the point P0(x0,y0) and the line ax+by+c=0 is D=|ax0+byo+c|/sqrt(a2+b2) and distance D between the point P0(x0,y0,z0) and the plane ax+by+cz+d=0 is D=|ax0+byo+cz0+d|/sqrt(a2+b2+c2)|Theorem 3.4.1 the equation of the line through x0 that is parallel to v is x=x0+tv if x0=0 then the line passes through the origin and has the form x=tv|Theorem 3.4.2 the equation of the plane through x0 that is parallel to v1 and v2 is x=x0+t1v1+t2v2 if x0=0 then the plane passes through the origin and has the form x= t1v1+t2v2|Definition 3.4.3 If x0 and x1 are vectors in Rn then the equation x=x0+t(x1-x0) (0<=t<=1) defines the line segment from x0 to x1|Theorem 3.4.4 The general solution of a consistent linear system Ax=B can beobtained by adding any specific solution of Ax=B to the general solution of Ax=0|Definition 3.5.1 cross product u x v = (u2v3-u3v2, u3v1-u1v3, u1v2-u2v1)|Theorem 3.5.1 u x v is orthogonal to u and v|Theorem 3.5.3 ||u x v|| is the area of a parallelogram in 3-space.|Definition 4.1.1 Let V be an arbitary non empty set of objects on which two operations are defined: addition and multiplication by scalars. If the following axioms are satisified by all objects u,v and w in V and all scalars k and m, then we call V a vector space and we call the objects in V vectors. 1.If u and v are objects in V then u + v is in V 2. u+v=v+u 3. u+(v+w)=(u+v)+w 4. There is an object 0 in V called a zero vector for V such that 0+u=u+0=u 5. For each u in V there is an object -u in V called a negative of u such that u+(-u)=(-u)+u=0 6. if k is any scalar and u is any object in V then ku is in V 7.k(u+v)=ku+kv 8. (k+m)u=ku+mu 9. k(mu)=(km)u 10. 1u=u

Good luck. Also it seems like this is only Lineare Algebra I. LA II is a real bitch I can tell you that.

Btw I hope you can give proof for all the neat Theorems you got there. ;D
Asphael wrote:

Good luck. Also it seems like this is only Lineare Algebra I. LA II is a real bitch I can tell you that.

Btw I hope you can give proof for all the neat Theorems you got there. ;D

Hahaha yeah its only intro Linear Algebra, thank god thats all I have to take. And our professor said he wouldn't put proofs on this test like the last one because over half the class failed the test!

At least I'm pretty sure I got an A this time around.
ampdecay wrote:

At least I'm pretty sure I got an A this time around.

nicely done :)
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun

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