In Depth Study of History

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I think part of the reason a lot of places will state different things is that we keep finding new places and things which change previous dating etc. A lot of history was decided by a bunch of guys from europe turning up in far away lands a few 100 years ago and just deciding what they thought these primitives lived like, and then weve been revising those ideas ever since, its ongoing. It isnt helped by a lack of credibility from so many sources, places. The history channel put on shows like Ancient Aliens for goodness sake, you might as well be watching a david icke talk on youtube about the pyramids being reptile alien mind control devices for all the good a channel like that is going to do you. Old history is full of people with less than scientific means just looking at stuff and making it up on the spot, where as modern sources of info like tv and the net are just full of idiots and conspiracy theorists.

Mesopotamia is pretty old, off the top of my head I think (? maybe) they have Egypt pegged in at about 3000 bc which is significantly earlier than Mesopotamia. Others depute that and say much earlier, but often on sketchy evidence.

Gobekli Tepe in Turkey has had carbon dating some back at 9130–8800 bc, so as old as the Egyptians are to us, these people were to the Egyptians, which is mind boggling. When you think that for a long time Egypt was one of the oldest civilisations we knew about, when you think of all the civilisations that came between Egypt and now, then think there was the same gap between these guys and egypt.. so much went on that we just have no clue about. For all we know there might be another city out there buried beneath an ocean that goes back twice as far again.

You are right about people who are guessing talking in certain terms, thats a really bad habit people have got into. Its the same in science, here in the uk we have a guy called Brian Cox who does high brow science shows on the BBC, and he just stands there all day telling you exactly how the universe works in very certain, fact based terms and literally 50% of what he is saying is sketchy guess work based on maths that we know is at least partly incorrect, not that you would know that from watching him. Its easier to get funding when you are finding out the exact truth of life as we know it than when you are a little more honestly aiming to have a decent guess at a little piece of the massive picture I suppose.
In all honestly, no one knows, and what is out there are only the theories that are based on the physical evidence found. We can only look so far back into the relatively recent past. Some 3-5 thousand years or more.

If you want to trace civilization, you have to trace the birth of mankind - where was the original man from? India, asia, africa or even somewhere else? People have lots of different ideas, but no one knows.

For example, some of the oldest traces of civilization are probably buried in the ground or destroyed by time and the enviroment. Things such as pyramids and other wonders are basically mankinds creations that are able to resist time, which means we are still with us today as the result. Still, they keep finding new discoveries of ancient sites that are thousands of years older, buried in the ground, and if you look at the mass of those sightings and compare to their age, you simply find that the further back you look the more unlikely it is to have survived.

There are also stories such as atlantis, apparently a lost advanced civilization. Now one can choose to listen to the myths saying they had flying cars etc etc, but there really is no point in that. What is possible though, is that one of the more advanced cultural centres of the world collapsed into the sea in a natural disaster. The seismic plates have shifted and the seas and lands have broken apart, and humans tend to build near the waterlines and where there are rivers and other such things (edges and intersections), surely something must have disappeared and other things surfaced in that process. Point being, it is impossible to know what really was in the distant past.

In western culture we know alot about the things that are in the holy books of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, middle eastern/african history, but little of the rest of the world. Of course we also have our greek roman heritage that is the beginning of the new age, or more technically the last age since we have entered a new one with the birth of modern civilization and the rise of America.

I think a good place to start is looking into Asia and India as well, if you want to undestand the world and how civilization developed.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Sep 21, 2013, 7:25:08 PM
ya theres some interesting stuff in the area of possible catastrophes and how they could have periodically set us back to some extent. We know from relatively recent history that people like the Romans were a lot more advanced than many periods that followed them due purely to societies collapsing through war etc, never mind planet changing natural disasters.

I saw a program on tv (lol, but seriously) and a guy was looking at a melting ice sheet on a mountain, Im not sure exactly where but I have a feeling it was south America somewhere. The idea was that global warming is melting this thing at a rapid rate and the stuff frozen under this ice had been there for 1000s upon 1000s of years. What he found under there were summer plants that grow in fairly warm temperatures frozen solid. This meant that at one point this bit of land was a reasonably warm, summery place and that is had then been frozen solid into an ice age like glacier within a matter of days/hours and stayed that way for 1000s of years.

I also remember reading about a mammoth they pulled out of somewhere like Siberia, again frozen solid for 1000s of years, and when they cut it open same thing, belly full of undigested plants, flowers etc that only grow in the summer in comparatively warm areas. So this thing had a meal in a grassy, hot summer place and then was frozen into a block of ice before it could digest it. I think they know elephant type creatures take a long time to digest stuff so its not like it was frozen in the space of a minute but it obviously wasnt frozen over a period of 6 months as winter came in either, summer never came again for that monster. Thats not slow climate change over a period of 100s of years that wiped out animals gradually over generations. Whatever happened at those places must have been some sci fi apocalypse shit that would have rapidly changed conditions for a civilisation that lived through it. Who knows what crazy stuff has happened while weve been around.

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