Energy shield calculation

Hey hey

I've got a question that I don't think has been answered properly before.

If I have a shield with 100 ES, and a chest with 100 ES, and I'm getting 100% increased ES from skill points (including from INT), I'll have 400 ES total.
(100+100)*2 = 400

Now, what if I add a +30%increased defense from shield, or a +30% increased energy shield from shield?

Will it be
(100*1.3+100)*2 = 460

--> In this case, the +% defense from shield nodes are more attractive if you have other +%defense nodes

Or will it be
(100+100)*2 + 100*0.30 = 430

--> In this case, the +% defense from shield nodes are less attractive if you have other +%defense nodes

I don't really have bunches of regrets to spare, so any information would be appreciated
Last edited by FacetiousTomato on Sep 7, 2013, 10:23:46 AM
Last bumped on Mar 14, 2016, 7:21:32 AM
The second one is correct - the first one would mean a more node. You have more/less and increased/decreased. More and less are multiplicative, while increased and decreased work additively
Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P
Current OB success:
top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9)
I think the first one is correct.
I'm actually trying to calulate my own ES.
As far as I go the formula is:

Total_ES = [ES_stuff + ES_shield*(1+%Shield_equipped/100)]*[1+%ES_multiplicator/100]+ max_ES_stuff*(1+%max_ES/100)

with ES_stuff not including the Shield's ES

I've begin a google doc spreadsheet:

I reached a total ES calculated of 3058, compared to a in game ES of 3053.
I used Passives skills tree planner to have my passives informations.

I now have some issue to include the discipline aura to this. (actually ~ 100 ES difference)
I´ve done some calculations myself and they look a little different from the one in the Spreadsheet.

What I´m using is the following:

Item ES * (sum % increased max ES + INT Modifier) * % more max ES

INT Modifier: INT*0,2 %

"% more max ES" is the 4th skill node after CI

Item ES includes the already calculated ES number on head, chest, shield, gloves, and boots as well as all +max ES on rings, belt and amulet)

I checked this calculation against and the results are the same.

In case you have the additional 30% ES on shield, this should be added to the subtotal befor multiplication with "% more max ES". Haven´t calculated/ checked this though.
Making queit a few tests with my equipment I came to the next formula, that work for all my tests (I would be gratefull if somebody could check it):

ES={ (ItemES + C1*Discipline)*C2 + ShieldES*C3 },


ItemES is the sum of your equipment energy shield 'numbers' (including ES from shield ShieldES, prefixes from accessories, don't pay attention to Local Energy Shield and Local Energy Shield +% prefixes, just sum up the numbers).

Discipline is the Discipline aura bonus (e.g. 90 at level 1 of the gem)

C1 accounts for Aura passive tree bonuses:
C1 = ( 100 + %Increased Effects of Buffs on You + %Increased Effect of Auras You Cast) / 100

C2 accounts for INT and %Increased maximum Energy Shield passives:
C2 = ( 100 + {INT/5} + %Increased maximum Energy Shield ) / 100 .
Here and in the main formula {} means rounding to the nearest integer {297 INT/5}=59% bonus, {298 INT/5}=60% bonus.

ShieldES is the ES-'number' on shield (which is also a part of sum of total ItemES).

C3 accounts for %Increased Defences from equipped Shield and %Increased Energy Shield from equipped Shield:
C3 = (%Increased Defences from equipped Shield + %Increased Energy Shield from equipped Shield) / 100. SIC: there is no the first '100' in this formula. So 35% bonuses gives you + ShieldES*0.35 to the resulting total ES.

Doing this 'research' I found two disappoining facts (for me =):
- %Increased Defences from equipped Shield is not influenced by C2.
- Inner Force and Aura bonuses should be summed up and not multiplied

My character don't have Infused Shield, so I can not check how in influences the formula. Probably: ES_new=ES*1.12. Please, check =) ES-formula works perfectly for me.
Last edited by AstroVit on Dec 6, 2013, 3:37:30 PM
Nice formula AstroVit. It works great.

Great job AstroVit.
Thanks a lot for ur searching!!
meh, it's difficult for me to understand...
When I see 7240 ES in total, then begin to calculate all the % and flat numbers, getting 6945 in result.
I counted intellect bonus, defenses from shield and so forth...
So the question arises - how do (for example) the percentage works? From my flat (1473) ES or from total quantity? (1473 flat ES + 353% + 90% from shield)
Sorry that i'm such a blockhead)))

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