ARPG and You

What is it that you enjoy most about ARPGs?

For me it would have to be the loot factor and having the chance to test each item's strengths and weaknesses by slaughtering mobs.. only to find four more amazing drops in the process each with their varying abilities.

The opportunity to mix and match weapons with different skills/attributes to find your own unique playstyle is what keeps me so interested in these games.
I think I like them for those reasons too!

Whodathunk it
Slot machine with a story.
IGN: SkullBlowjobs
I don't know exactly why I like them. I can play them for 5 minutes or 5 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. I like the addictive quality of the loot drops as well of course.
Easy. Simple gameplay, yet deep mechanics. I love creating the character however I want it and see it grow from a weak peasant into a godlike thingy, and the loot really helps shape it graphic-wise. I also love finding a new piece of armor or a better weapon. Just too bad too many ARPGs get all of those wrong.
"And that's how you die properly, sailor boy."
(The Witch)
StimpsonH wrote:

This! ^^
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
Smash & phat lewt, I guess.
The loot and the randomness of the dungeons.
Action => reward

Every human loves it. ( well every living thing basicly )

If you wish for a key? pray to the allmighty Keysus. If you want a speedy Blessing? Donate to the church of Keysus and ye shall receive a Blessing.

*Disclaimer- This is now a vintage saying*

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