Be careful how you troll!

Asphael wrote:
But I'm a fucking sick individual who believes firmly in the power of prevention rather than rehabilitation.

I think it's debatable that destroying the life of a kid is good prevention for others to not follow.

Probably but it's not as if he'll actually go to prison for the full 8 years. Not a chance in hell. He's the centre of something too significant now.

His life is already irrevocably changed by this event. I wouldn't say 'destroyed' but definitely changed.

Also, what's this bullshit about calling a 19 year old a kid? If you're not mature enough by 19 to not make jokes of that nature on the internet and then cry you had no idea someone might take it seriously, I'm sorry, you're not a kid, you're a fucking loser.

The only tragedy is because 'kids these days don't watch tv or read the newspaper' to paraphrase the father, none of the little fucks who still use the internet as their verbal firing range will hear about it and know that at least one of their foul kind got theirs.

I apologize I only briefly skipped the thread and wasn't aware that he's 19 and I agree with what you wrote.

Nevertheless, the point I wanted to make is that if he goes to jail, no matter if it's 8 years or 1 year, his life will be severly fucked. I don't know what his plans are for the future but I imagine that if he goes to jail he can forget about ever getting a good job. So while I agree that writing something like that is completly fucking stupid and should be punished, I don't really think it's enough to ruin his future.
'ignorance' and 'a lack of understanding about public space'

yes violent threats online are silly, kids need to learn how to be anonymous

this is the thin edge of the wedge as always: if you say something homophobic, racist, sexist, or transphobic, you have committed a hate crime and need to check your privilege
Let the games begin
And yet this was Austin, not Houston -- the former I've always believed to be a slightly weirder and yet infinitely more sane locale than Houston.

Go figure.

My point stands, by the bye. If there were actual repercussions for being a loudmouth fuckwit online other than a PMed warning and maybe a day in the naughty box (oh, but you can still play if you want!), the internet would be a nicer place. And please don't cite bullshit infringement of rights and that such a move would be the 'beginning of the end'. That's like saying we should all be able to say 'nigger' in public because, you know, FREEDOM OF SPEECH!...and technically, you can. You won't be arrested for it, but it certainly wouldn't be the right thing to say in public, would it?

Because there are repercussions. Moral, at the very least. People will treat you differently. As well they should.

Not so online, where you can wear masks and change names and pretend it was all a big joke.

Joke's on you, Justin Carter.

It's a pretty slippery slope, Charan. Who is determining what is acceptable and what isn't? Where does it end? Once you start making it illegal for someone to say certain things, it very quickly can go further than that. How long before everyone has to smile and be extra polite to every single person they meet at all times? Be happy, or you'll be sent off to the corn field.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
It's an extremely stupid threat to make, but in the context of the violence worshiping culture of the US it's unsurprising.
Last edited by Septile on Jun 30, 2013, 11:05:56 PM
r/communism is that way Charan >>>>
1. On free speech:

I. This forum opposes free speech. This generates a lot of misguided accusations. Opposing free speech does not mean we reject the notion of debating opposing viewpoints, or that we support the practice of personal censorship. This forum rejects the notion that all speech belongs everywhere.

II. This forum is opposed to oppressive speech. /r/communism gets denounciations that view this guideline as oppressive. For those who are truly concerned about eliminating oppression, why would you defend oppressive speech to eternity? If oppression is to be ended, oppression through speech cannot continue.

III. Oppressive speech is a part of free speech.

IV. Communists in this forum will often reject the defense of oppressive speech as a liberal tenet. Some communists who aim to eliminate oppression do not defend the speech of the dominant classes, or the speech of racists, sexists and queerphobes. This forum supports these efforts.

V. Communism is not liberalism, nor are they related ideologically. Liberals might come in the defense of nazi speech, communists in this forum won't.

VI. Oppressive speech supports authority where it is undue (for example: the authority of white people over black people, of men over women). Thus, this forum rejects the liberal accusations of authoritarianism based on its stance against free speech.

VIa. Men, White people, Heterossexual people set the oppressive normative standards of our society. Attacking such groups does not qualify as oppressive speech and is not equivalent to attacking oppressed groups. MRAs will be instantly banned.


VII. Patriarchal, white supremacist, cissupremacist, homophobic, or otherwise oppressive speech is not tolerated here.

VII.a. This forum is meant to be a more friendly place for communists to participate without having to be subjected to oppressive speech. Women, people of color, queer people should feel welcome. Do your part.

VII.b. This is not restricted to posts that are openly hateful (for example: I hate women, women are inferior, etc). For example: if there is a post about the first woman cosmonaut, and there is a poster who chose to comment solely on her hair, this poster is being offensively sexist. Try to educate yourselves and each other. The moderators will try not to be overzealous in enforcing the policy, but politely ask that you try to err against posting offensive things. This forum believes that humor, serious theoretical discussions and casual conversations can all be had without offending anyone.

VIII. Free speech will also be used in the defense of off-topic posting, or posts that otherwise break the rules of/r/communism. To this the response of this forum is: if all posts can exist everywhere, what is the purpose of having several different forums?

IX. This forum's aim towards this subject is to create a class-conscious, proletarian speech. Readers will note that speech has a class character, and that communists are against bourgeois speech. The aim of this forum is to create an environment that promotes continuous discussion that accretes theory and knowledge.

X. Those who want to engage in bourgeois speech will not be able to do so in /r/communism, but they have many other forums to choose from, and can create their own forums.

XII. Off-topic posts will be removed.

XIII. Useful link on the topic of free speech

XIIIa. Useful link on the topic of liberalism
Let the games begin
my rights end where your feelings begin charan

Let the games begin
Why do people keep calling this a threat? It's clearly a sarcastic (and badly done) joke.
It's not like he posted it out of the blue. He was replying directly to "something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head'". He used hyperbole and sarcasm as a retort to being called insane.

Anybody who thinks he deserves any jail time for this (he's already been held for several months) makes me fucking sick.

Also the woman who reported him is a fucking idiot.
I'm just hoping CharanJaydemyr doesn't decide to buy his way into public office.

The world needs more free speech not less. End of fucking story.
"Wait, what did I just drink?" - Socrates
Honestly, the "kid" shouldn't go to jail at all..
I agree with you in some sence..people really take their libertys a lot farther online then they'd ever do in real doubt.
Now, i'm not saying you can't or shouldn't, but rething before doing it..easy as that. Would i say this in a fully crowded cafeteria with kids and their parents? probably not..
And to dickheads ranting about massacres, gay-rapes or what fucking not...this is where i don't see jailtime as a solution...cause they clearly have no fucking idea whatsoever about what the fuck they're talking about..
Instead, talk massacres with the Iraki guy who had his whole fucking family blown to smithereens, or the rape victim who can't leave home alone for 10 mins cause the psyche is so fucked up that scuicide seems like a trip to the carneval, or why not say nigger to the black guy with so many burn-marks on his body, looking like a damn topographic map..let those guys have a chat with people who feel their right to express themselves however they want instead..i guarantee you they'll have a new view on things after that, cause i sure as hell do...
IGN: Gahrlaag
Wiki -

Move de sync from de bathroom to de kitchen for better flow!
crisis solved.
You've made your stance clear, although it's lacking in what I'd call acceptable argumentation.

Nothing will change your stance, so I think we're done.

That wasn't a reply to you. We were already done. Get over yourself.

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