Where is this world going?

I had a friend stabbed by her X-Bf in front of school something like 19 times, all over her body, arms, and face... she survived and is now happily married.

I had another friend who went crazy and shot his entire family and is now in prison.

People do terrible things sometimes.
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Yea, really sad what some people are capable of doing out of pure jealousy :-/
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
Is ze jou ex vriendin??? Zag het in het nieuws, redelijk fucked up.

Sorry for going native language ;)
If you wish for a key? pray to the allmighty Keysus. If you want a speedy Blessing? Donate to the church of Keysus and ye shall receive a Blessing.

*Disclaimer- This is now a vintage saying*
World's not coming to anything; it's been here since we have. Only thing that changes is the how.

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