[3.17] Energy Blade Lightning Strike Berserker

frawrst wrote:
Dartiuseg wrote:
Actually didn't find info about cap - some 2-3 years messages says what there is no cap in negative, but pob stop scaling damage on -200.
Stops at -162, need some luck on body or neck.
Scaling -light is best for this build, i think, because we don't cut enemy res, they have exactly the number of res we have - so bosses and some map mods doesn't affect our damage.

-200 negative res cap was added in 3.16

Thanks, looks like i'm bad at google.
Got intimidation on belt, no luck so far with head and neck, but damage already around 6+kk with most procs.

Does all stats and mods from weapon are ignored when energy blades are used?

I twisted a bit and min-max the build from my pov.
cap every resist, -200% lightning res, 75/75 block. 75% chaos res. 100k Armour on flask. Nearly Auto flask (You don't even have to piano those flasks).

We got a tankier with a bit loss of HP, The DMG also reached 8-10 million dps. The shock effect in the POB is only 15% but on some boss fights against I frequently got 25-35% shock effect on the bosses.

Pob: https://pastebin.com/Scn4zZCz
Currently invest: about 40 ex.
For me biggest problem is not lightning hits(converting them in cold damage), but degens and non hit sources of damage, because we have 0 res from body and armour.
Did someone killed uber Atziri with this build?
Failing on last 25%.

Thank you, it was really nice to meet this build
I'm playing very happily
Currently playing this.
I was looking at the PoB and I see that you have 90% phys. dmg reduction and 84% cold resistance. If watchers eye is converting some of the phys damage to cold, doesn't this result in increased damage taken?
hey, ive been struggling in the end game since im really lacking damage, i dont know where to get it from, i currently have 33 exalts to invest in this build, any ideas on how can i improve ? or its just cluster jewels?

https://pastebin.com/GtbseSf4 this is my pob
Easiest way is to stuck as much -light res as you can, -200 will give you 100% of damage you have right now.
Ring with assassin's mark.
Enchance on energy blade give you near +10% of crit chance.
Awakened gems, divergent multistrike, some other alternate quality gems
You don't need lightning penetration - our body make enemy resistance exactly the same we have.
For boss melting you need totem setup, not golem
Also it's a good thing to have mana leach - you don't have enough mana regen

Running like this for now:
14kk full proc, on bosses its about 10kk
Still have room - remake tree, some nice scourges, maybe another watchstone, other auras
Last edited by Dartiuseg on Nov 23, 2021, 12:42:19 PM
How did U Guys get corrupted Soul?
I checked all of Urs skilltrees and didnt find it with Glorious Vanity i Just See enthernal youth. Can anyone Post a Screenshot of it please?

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