2021 Mystery Box Research - The Truth Behind $4,386 Worth of Boxes

Wondering about the actual probability of mystery boxes? Is GGG lying about the percentage? In-depth analysis with almost 1,500 real-life sample size will satisfy your curiosity!

Last edited by Brannfodt on Mar 4, 2021, 8:07:16 AM
Last bumped on Jul 4, 2021, 10:03:58 AM
Wish they would teach statistics earlier in the curriculum. At least enough to understand the validity of an experiment like this.
Have you actually watched the video? It isn't the greatest sample size but its actually done correctly, far better than 99% of posts made about statistics! (I wrote that irony deliberately)

Just shame about the robot voice, had to mute and read which meant i glanced rather than sitting through.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Mar 4, 2021, 7:38:34 AM
Interesting watch. Agree about the terrible voice.
Indeed an interesting watch. Would have to look at the data myself to make more of it, and also, it would be interesting to know exactly how the data was compiled (possible biases).

However, the fact alone that the result is that it seems to be fair tells me that there likely were no strong biases in data acquisition. I also see no reason as to why GGG would be lying about the rates, so - seems to be all good :).

The robot voice is indeed horrible, though, and the animations are really not my style.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Last edited by Char1983 on Mar 4, 2021, 8:04:07 AM
to be honest.. i think the current and more recent boxes to be a total rip off .. and abit too much rng/duplicated and can lead into too much frustration... i think GGG need to add some sustem that allow you to destroy some duplicated items for some shards or something...

to be honest.. i recently spent quite abit on boxes.. and decided never again its by far better to just go into shop and buy the sets you want
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wish they would teach statistics earlier in the curriculum. At least enough to understand the validity of an experiment like this.

People don't rly know your a ACTUAL professor and ur like 60s

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
of course they're not lying about the rates. im pretty sure they have people they need to answer to about it. it isn't like you could get away with putting up false rates blah blah

im not sure exactly how it works legally, but im certain they cannot lie about it. so regardless of what the conclusion of the video was (they did conclude GGG rates are correct, btw) we definitely didn't need it to answer this question. and a worse case scenario would have been that it concluded something else and put into peoples minds that GGG were lying about it.
xMustard wrote:
of course they're not lying about the rates. im pretty sure they have people they need to answer to about it. it isn't like you could get away with putting up false rates blah blah

im not sure exactly how it works legally, but im certain they cannot lie about it. so regardless of what the conclusion of the video was (they did conclude GGG rates are correct, btw) we definitely didn't need it to answer this question. and a worse case scenario would have been that it concluded something else and put into peoples minds that GGG were lying about it.

This is a pretty bad take. Most people are not as eager as you to trust companies blindly.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wish they would teach statistics earlier in the curriculum. At least enough to understand the validity of an experiment like this.

People don't rly know your a ACTUAL professor and ur like 60s


I choose to believe it because it certainly fits everything else I've seen. But honestly, do we *know*?

As for this thread...ehhh. They're loot boxes. Doesn't matter how close you cleave to ethical details...they're loot boxes.
Warhammer 40k Inquisitor: where shotgunning is not only not nerfed, it is deeply encouraged.

Dogma > Souls, but they're masterworks all. You can't go wrong.

I was right about PoE2 needing to be a separate, new game. It was really obvious.

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