Passive Tree "points were reset" notification, wrong.

I haven't spent my perk points on this character since I was still planning them.
I had 9 points saved when I moved to this area.
Upon entering, I was greeted with a faded screen and a message (will SS if I see it again) explaining that my passive points had been reset because of a recent patch.
It was during just one session, so this was a wrong time for the message to display.

Lady Luck Loves a Trust Fall
Its a generic text, always shown if you have some unspent passive points. Cant say if they want to make a "fix" somewhen - respecs are expected to not longer happen once the game is released.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
I also notice that your UI is faded - If you chance your graphics card settings to not be overriding the game settings, this will make the UI look better!
Balance & Design

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