Trade Etiquette: Seller or buyer sends trade request first?

In my first trade, the seller sent the trade REQ first
if im in my hideout and someone wants a cheap item i have no problem sending them an invite and selling.

if im in the middle of something and someone wants some super cheap item that i feel isnt worth my time going back to the hideout over, i wont even reply until im done what im doing. especially if im in a delve or bossing or soemething which i could possibly die in the middle of. ill wait until im done and ready, and ill ask if the person still wants it. if they dont want it whether they found someone else to sell them their map for 1 chisel, or just felt insulted after having to wait a couple minutes for their cheap little item, i couldnt give a shit less.

multiple whispers for some petty item while im in the middle of something won't get them an invite either, though it will get people ignored almost as fast as it would if they whisper me for an item and then send me a party invite. yeah, i get it, youre like super impatient and u need that cheap little item you seen like right now, and having a bit of currency in your fairy tale world makes you special and everybody should just drop what theyre doing and roll out the red carpet for you. thats a cool story and all bro but im afraid now youre going to have to find your item elsewhere

if they dont like it, i dont care. theyre not entitled to anything, and i play the game on my time, not anybody elses. when someone impatiently tries to come at me for a cheap little item and then try to tell me to jump, i am not going to ask them how high?

That pretty much sums it up - it's like if they were in the exact situation they would do exactly what you would, but are so self-centered they expect random strangers to happily bend over when in reality someone would more likely be receiving a punch to the face.
Yep, totally over league play.
insilopeh wrote:
insilopeh wrote:
I usually spam 5-10 people at the same time after the first one failed me.

So you are wasting time of 5-10 people because someone wasted your time? GJ, people like you are making trading cancerous.

I usually have to spam 5-10 additional people, and then another 5-10. If more than 1 suddenly shows up, i'll buy it from everyone, seeing how I only spam multiple people for cheap things. What makes trade cancerous is people who do not respond. I am not wasting anyone's time, unless this person answers 5-10minutes after i wrote to him in which case, I don't really care. Sellers shouldnt expect people to wait for 10 minutes.

But you're also failing to realize its your exact behavior that discourages people to bother responding if they aren't readily available to fulfill your request.

I've lost count of how often someone will send me a request where I respond almost immediately only for it to die in the abyss. Now I just ignore requests for low value items outright if I'm in the middle of something that takes a while, as its usually not worth the effort to type a response mid-fight to someone who's just spamming other people anyway.
Yep, totally over league play.
KittiesGoMew wrote:
Seller or buyer sends trade request first?

Ever since I've been trading in PoE, if I'm the buyer I always wait till the seller sends a trade request first. And of course if I'm the seller I much prefer to send first. Lately it's been really irritating me when I just get out of a map after inviting someone, only to have them send me a request to trade the moment I get into my HO. It's like, give me a minute to dump my stuff and such! To me it just feels so pushy. Even more so if I decline because I'm not quite ready and they send one again.

Anyways, what's people's preferences on this and thoughts?

I don't mind when I am buyer, but when I am seller:

1. I want buyer to never trade me first **when** I got out of map, because most often than not I want to dump stuff into stash first,

2. BUT when I am not in a map and was just chilling in hideout I want buyer to trade me asap first, because sometimes it takes forever for person to load and I have no idea if they loaded in yet, so I am sending trade request, staring at the screen and waiting until they accept it or not if they crash or they want to offer or anything like that.
i play in standard, and i started to notice i get alot more people lately throwing up trade requests at me for cheap items the moment i send them an invite and they port to my hideout.

its finally starting to become a nuisance, and my patience has been wearing. so lately if they throw up a trade request before i can sift through all my tabs and pull out the item, ive just started kicking them out and throwing them onto ignore.

but the last guy i got wanted some trash off me, throws up a trade request. i pulled out the item and sold it to zana and gave him the shards.

i feel like a dick for doing it but whatever.
Last edited by idrankyourbeer on Feb 14, 2019, 2:07:07 PM
I don't care who sends the request..

It's those people who I've invited into my party to sell them something but then they are not kind enough to exit the party on their own that annoy me.
doesnt matter
if the buyer sends his request immediately u can lf the item in your stash and click accept after, this way you speed up the trade and can continue farming faster
Boem wrote:
Foogalicious wrote:
Boem wrote:
There are perfectly normal reasons why somebody could be in a rush that don't amount to "piss of the seller".
Sure. But not a single one of those reasons warrants actually, you know, pissing off the seller. *

Why an etiquette would be required for trading in a game is beyond me.
Maybe for the same reason common courtesy is a good idea in any other context. (like here, for example. Where I edited my post to delete the closing line " paste-eating dipshit" because it lacked propriety, doncha know)

*with the exception of "a poe-crazed gunman is holding a pistol to my head and will blow my brains out if I do not make the following trade in under 5 seconds."

Your lack of creativity is of no concern to me or this community, honestly.

Common courtesy isn't a good idea in any context, it's apropriate depending on context and not an absolute requirement, which make it usable.

There is a practical reason why the word courtesy is pre-empted with common and it's precisely for this reason....

It's fairly hard to strenghten the point when it's embedded in the concept itself, really.

From a paste-eating hard skinned dipshit with love.



I thought he was plenty creative. And spot on. You use the "common" in 'common courtesy' as if that makes it unnecessary. But really it's what lubricates common interactions. You're inflammatory yet you sign your posts with "peace". So lame. Typical internet troll. Very un-creative imo. Also you mis-spelled somethings in your post. I won't educate you on what tho. Education is the greatest give one can give; and you don't deserve it. Learn manners then maybe people will help educate you.
Boem wrote:
Foogalicious wrote:

You seem to be stuck on the idea of etiquette being "required" rather than just "something we should all engage in as a matter of course to make life easier, more pleasant, and civilized". I could point out that the whole "required" condition was your conceit in the first place, but allow me to instead rephrase my take on etiquette without suggesting it is "required" in any way: if you don't think courtesy has a place in an in-game trade setting... you might just be kind of an asshole.

Oh i thought we were discussing the OP, who is trying to deduce a "correct" etiquette which obviously imply's people not following it to be behaving incorrectly.

My stance was exactly your point.

etiquette is not required, it happens within every trade individually and if it does not, people respond apropriatly given the context.

You know social etiquete, like saying "hello sir", "thank you for trade", "give me a minute sir".....

And i am an asshole, to people who deserve it, like that a** who responds with "hurry it up you flaming turd" when i tell them they have to wait a minute.

Gladly though, the times i have to behave like an asshole are far and distant between massive amounts of trades.



Guess i should post the follow up, because everybody knows people on the internet have the common courtesy to depict the whole story.

Ironically not so ironically relevant.

And the creative remark was on the fact he could not come up with a single case where a buyer/seller could have something more important then an in-game trade come up in his life interupting a trade which might come over as "rude" to the other party.
Which is exactly what i said, a lack of creativity.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Seller should open the trade.

I am mostly a buyer and don't mind waiting. My game is not going to move ahead without me while I'm buying stuff. I'm the one interrupting the seller's game. Sellers are doing the rest of us a favor by making their stuff available.
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