A few QoL changes

Offers tab

I'm proposing a solution to the annoying timer that is present when accepting offers.

The reason it is there right now is because you could accidentally accept an offer that gets sent to you right as you are trying to accept a different one. This could cause you to accidently sell a very expensive item for a wisdom scroll for example.

Why was this a problem in the first place? Because offers that are newly sent to you, or the offers you send and get accepted are "bumped" into view.

Every time you accept an offer (lets say you wake up to 20 offers) it puts your "cursor" back to the top, so you have to press RT to go back to your place. if you are doing this to 20 offers you have to press RT over 100 times to accept everything, when it could simply just not bump it to the top.

The solution I think you should implement is for the "offers" tab ONLY make it so cleared out accepted offers close out automatically. I don't believe this goes against your trade philosophy

Sent offers tab

In my opinion the sent offers tab should also clear out accepted offers automatically, but this one might go against your trade philosophy as it could make it so you can buyout alot of items too quickly if it doesnt force you to re search for them? That's okay, at least do it on the "offers tab"

Also a similar problem has arised here which caused you to implement the timer to the offers tab. when someone rejects an offer right as you are putting currency into another one, it bumps it into the top and causes you to put currency into the one that just got rejected. That's super annoying and could cause you to accidentally put items into it and you could send it out and you might not be able to find and cancel it in time if you have alot of offers there. Please remove the bumping altogether.

With the text turning yellow saying "accepted" and with the notification appearing in game showing your offer being accepted/rejected I think it is obvious enough and doesn't require the offers to be annoyingly bumped


When you go to a vendor, X is sell, B is goodbye, why is Y not buy?

we want D-Pad navigation back in the inventory

At least make it so splitting stacks of items doesn't activate highlight/clear highlight commands if you use the D-Pad to do it (precise thumbstick slider navigation is bad)

When you press RT to go to the next offer in the sent offers tab or in the offers tab
the cursor defaults to the bottom left, but the currency defaults to the top left. It didn't used to be that way. could you put it back to the way it was where the cursor defaults to the top left so you dont have to press the thumbstick 3 times every time you accept something.

When you complete an offer (it goes accepted and you take the items out, or you close and reopen the trade board so the offer is completely gone) its notification should not appear in game saying accepted/rejected

waypoint desync
I frequently go to a waypoint and select a destination and press travel, but nothing happens because on the server im not close enough. could you make it so on the client the waypoint panel doesnt open unless you are close enough on the server?

navali has no press X to sell button
Last edited by noodlezoo on May 2, 2018, 3:00:31 PM
Last bumped on Apr 27, 2018, 1:51:46 PM
The binding "sell" to the "y button" for vendors is just an excellent suggestion, truly wonderful. So many precious moments wasted cursoring down past seldom used options (I'd like to give a special shout out here to "purchase decorations").

And the way that you get sent to the top of the offer list in various situations is truly dreadful - I feel that GGG should be ashamed to have that "feature" still out there. Seriously, I don't know which would be more disappointing - if it was done out of necessity, or by design. I think that it's well past time to change this.

But I do find the delay on accept offer "feature" to be a welcome one. I can also see where others might consider it to be annoyingly over done bubble wrap. Perhaps once things are put in order, it might seem less welcome.

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noodlezoo wrote:
When you go to a vendor, X is sell, B is goodbye, why is Y not buy?

This would be a very nice QoL change. I've gotten to the point where I've actually started routing when and where I talk to vendors because it reduces the number of times I have to press down to get to the buy option because it saves a second or two. Being able to immediately go to that option would be a huge help in trying to keep things moving quickly and feel smooth.

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