Bestiary is fun. Trading is fine. Labyrinth is awesome.

I like the lab a lot since the last lab revamp (it still has a shit layout too often, like today), and I like the *idea* behind Bestiary, but it is literally the worst-implemented league in GGG history. Not just the bugs, but the UI itself is complete horseshit. It would've been way better if they had genericized all captures into highly compressed lists so that the concept of "full cages" wouldn't significantly impact your attempts to interact with the league mechanic, because as it is, cages fill up way too quickly, and once they're full, it's a giant fucking chore to empty them.

I was hating on this league less until I tried making room in my cages for the first time this morning. Now I actually legitimately hate bestiary. It's a league that prevents you from playing itself.
Laskinaama wrote:
Labyrinth: Propably the best addition to this game EVER! Only Place where i actually feel threatened and are scared to die. And the best thing is that you get to open treasure chests and enchant your gear as a reward. So much fun! So much loot!

Says the guy without a single HC lab run. Who gives a shit if some blade-car kills a crossy road softcore player for a bit of xp loss. Its not hard, not challenging, just a shit gameplay one-trick pony.

And picking LAB as the "challenge" when you have end-game content that will destroy most builds?
I'm the Ps guy: Psomm, Pso, Psong, pso-on and pso-phorth.
Trading is fine? You must be kidding...
Trading still sucks
Last edited by Hynova on Mar 21, 2018, 3:03:46 PM
Don't fall for it, guys.... a probation isn't worth it.
OP is right on the money.
Trading is not even close to being fine. POE Trade is a complete joke. When you have an item you need, and there are 65 of said item on a page search , and 60 of them are afk , no message answering price fixing C@@@s...then the game as a whole is a joke because of this being completely ignored by GGG.
Badtwo wrote:
Trading is not even close to being fine. POE Trade is a complete joke. When you have an item you need, and there are 65 of said item on a page search , and 60 of them are afk , no message answering price fixing C@@@s...then the game as a whole is a joke because of this being completely ignored by GGG.

Everything you're complaining about is easily remedied by being intelligent about who you message. You know the value of the items right? So skip the obvious price fixers and ones labeled AFK.

You'll have a much better experience. Sure some people will still be AFK because we're humans and we walk away from the computer from time to time.
I agree with the lab part.
I love the idea of playing hc but I can't play hc because I dont have enaugh time to make multiple characters and I always play 1 character per league. Lab makes me feel a bit like playing hc (yes, i don't lose my character upon death, but I really try not to die in a lab, just as I would when playing hc). I wish GGG would add more mechanics like lab which punish sofcore players for dying, like unique maps with only one portal, etc.
bestiary is boring and I only play this league because I have skipped the previous league so the atlas of worlds is new to me. trading is manageable
Bestiary: Not my couple of tea, but I think its ok.

Trade: I like trading for profit or if want to buy some item. For me trade is one of best I ever met in game.

Laskinaama wrote:
Labyrinth: Propably the best addition to this game EVER! Only Place where i actually feel threatened and are scared to die. And the best thing is that you get to open treasure chests and enchant your gear as a reward. So much fun! So much loot!

Labyrinth: While Labyrinth is good addition to game and overall I can tell its pretty nicely done I am totally against how its implemented: I am forced to play it! Without Ascendancies gems are weak, progress in game is tedious etc. Another thing are gated enchants which are only for people who have will or fun or builds to run it again and again. Loot is nothing special in compare to trading. "feel threatened and are scared to die" is fun for me only in horror games like Amnesia, Doom or Alien Isolation etc. For me its worst part of PoE and I dont remember game where is something so pedantic/dull and only due I am forced to play it. Overall its ok.
Last edited by Rexeos on Mar 21, 2018, 7:14:37 PM
Slaanesh69 wrote:

This thread is veeeeeery interesting. I appreciate the points, if genuine, and equally appreciate the troll, if not.

But jaded minds will find it very, very difficult to judge the tone in this post, so it is really hard to tell which way this one falls.

There are lots of proponents of each side of all three of your points. And you are, of course, welcome to whatever opinion you may hold.

But pulling the pin on this grenade of a post with the three most hotly debated points at the moment (the latter two being the most hotly debated points of pretty much all time), is by definition a troll even if you are genuine.

Conclusion - troll. Even if not a troll.

Sure its a troll. Its still 100% truth. Atleast in my opinion. I mostly wrote this as a counter to all the whiny posts about these 3 subjects.
People can hate what ever they like im just annoyed by these self imposed martyrs who post "Im gonna quit because of this and this" like they are some gems of wraeclast and we are suppose to care.
So i was totally serious about this troll post i wrote while beign bored at work.

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