
ok i know what people keep saying about this ability with physical attack leech and not working but if thats the case why the hell does the ability itself still have physical damage if its scaling it all the elemental and on top of that if it does have physical damage shouldnt that mean that physical attack damage should still work? i dont get this could i get some better information here that i can acutally understand?
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2017, 2:58:14 PM
leech only cares about final damage on monster.

physical damage is there because it allows scaling from physical damage weapon. it allows the typical damage scaling for the left side of the tree. Resolute technique, physical damage, Hatred and other "%of physical damage added as" modifiers.

These day the typical "right side" scaling with flat added damage is more popular in my opinion, because it allows higher damage output. But it is also harder to get high life. 100% conversion is actually great for this because it allows to fully use the mixed phys/ele weapon damage, which can roll higher total dps than pure phys or ele one.
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
The tooltip shows Physical Damage because it cannot account for Wild Strike's random Conversion. You do not deal any Physical Damage whatsoever, it all gets Converted to Elemental Damage.
i see thanks guys for the info

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