'An End to Hunger' not opening up the Epilogue

I've talked to all the people in Act 10 and relogged multiple times, but I don't have the option to go to Epilogue. Even though I have the 'An End to Hunger' quest what requires me to talk to Lani in the Epilogue.
Last edited by Dutchwolve on Dec 16, 2017, 6:39:43 AM
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2017, 6:40:08 AM
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Do you have used the waypoint?
Otherwise take a screenshot with the quest open and post it here.

Screenshot with me having the quest AND waypoint open (I believe I had the same on in my original post, so yeahhh)
That's some weird stuff.
You don't even have The Canals and Feeding Through zones "opened" at you map. There's "?"
Did you have a disconnection after Kitava's fight?
Game didn't "register" you being there, yet quest log says otherwise.
It would be faster to send all of this directly to support.
Remember, suffering is convenient.
That is why many people prefer it.
Happiness requires effort.
I did sent this all to support, but I got the feeling they only read their mails once a week or something.
That's why I posted here to see if anyone else had the same problem.
I can't progress in the game at all now and am getting kinda frustrated about it xD
There were no disconnections as far as I know, even though the game sometimes crashes randomly for me in loading screen. But that's a whole different issue xD

Edit: Contacted support and they told me to post my issue here. Little late with that.
Also contacted their Facebook team, and they told me to send a mail.
See the problem here...?
Last edited by Dutchwolve on Dec 8, 2017, 3:11:01 PM
Sorry, didn't saw the screenshot (due to AdBlock).

That's really strange, that you don't have the 2 last areas activated. Did you teleport to the Kitava area in a party?
I have not done the Kitava fight in a party, nor were I teleported to it by someone.
I have done some map levels before finishing Act10 with a friend, though. I just don't think that should really affect my character like this.

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