Ice or Tornado Ranger?

So in everyone's personal views, which is better at solo play? Because I don't think I'll ever be playing in a group. I know I have a while until I can truly makes these builds, but just want a general idea of which would be better to pursue.
Last bumped on Nov 20, 2017, 9:29:49 AM
Haven't played in a long time (a bow user), but I'm going to assume it's still Tornado shot. Whilst Ice shot is great and has a great defensive mechanic, ala freezing, nado just out dps's it. Plus it has great aoe once you start piercing and what not, throw in some extra projectiles.

Unless things have changed?

Edit: Unless you've got some weird mechanics to do with freezing that increase dps to only frozen enemies, or something like that. Saw it thrown around in a few threads, but still not sure if it would beat nado.
Last edited by Zac89 on Nov 19, 2017, 9:35:12 PM
Tried both Ice Shot, Tornado Shot and Lightning Arrow, IS/LA definitely felt a lot better when clearing and offscreening, Tornado Shot felt really underwhelming unless you have a lot of +Projs, it performs really well on Breaches though.

Also IS/LA will require a single target (Barrage) on your chest or weapon swap.

I really like the Ice Shot + Chain but since i'm looking to get high hit damage i swapped the Chain for Hypothermia and put a threshold jewel for the pierce. Chain feels better to clear though.

Freeze/chill is just great defensively, and shattering the corpses saves you from a Detonate Dead and Porcupines every now and then.

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