The Harbinger Challenge League

People talking about greed over a 100% complete free to play game because they are salty over themselves not being able to control the will of buying 2 million stash tabs because they are playing 20 hours a day, joke. (that was probably a way too long sentence but anyway)

About shards, not worried about the tabs but the ease of having high tier currencies, I hope they will find a way to balance that. I don't want ex / mirror to have a lower drop rate because it's already so low, I don't want to be bored of ex because I just get them with shard and never get this heart popping sound. I thought of a nice way to balance it by for exemple reducing the chaos recipe to X chaos shards for Id and 1 chaos for UnId? after all, Chaos orbs are kinds of exalted shards.

About the Harbinger, I would have been more hyped with a completely new play mechanic rather than another mob spawning mechanic but well, Fall of Oriath is coming along the way so it's normal they don't bring something crazy with it.

Anyway can't wait to be on April 4th !
Tofu1215 wrote:
More currency? Are you guys going to update the currency stash tab? I have so much league specific crap in my tabs.


Pretty please update the currency tab to cover all these new orbs and shards as well as having a spot for Perandus coins, Breach shards, or at the least, give us a bunch more "open" slots for whatever we wish. Thank you.
+1 to currency tab updates

If all these new shards are not under placed under their corresponding orb places in the tab, my OCD is gonna make me complain more about the death penalty!
Meh, another recycle of existing models and animations. Plus that inflow of currency in shards.
Just as an FYI, The beta currency tab now has 14 free slots instead of 5.
Great, can't wait for the full patch note ! Then one week remaining before next char creation !
Luniev wrote:
Great, can't wait for the full patch note ! Then one week remaining before next char creation !

It is gonna be sooo sweet man, can not wait either.
i hope. my pc can handle that bling bling
Ah, even more shards... well GGG's got to sell those stash tabs. Do you want a bet that the money tab will not include those new shards ?
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Ah, even more shards... well GGG's got to sell those stash tabs. Do you want a bet that the money tab will not include those new shards ?

The currency tab has been updated.It now has more empty space for whatever currency you wish to stash in it.

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