Tab drop down always open

Could we just have the tab drop down always open? I've managed to aquire enough tabs that even when i keep the ones i use most, i need to keep opening the tab drop down to quickly get to my tabs. Would be a huge, huge huge help to just leave it always open, so I could easily get to any tab,

I could also start naming tabs more than F and C. F being for Flasks, and C for currency tab, etc.

Cause the name could scraw left to right on the drop down without it being a problem.

It shouldn't be too hard to code either, just change that ui display to always show when in stash mode.
Last bumped on Jul 25, 2017, 5:41:55 AM
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Good idea. Also they should remove some whitespace around tabs, so that you can fit more single character tabs in the upper row.

Maybe it shouldn't be always on, but players should be able to pin it open, so that it stays open after the first time.
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Last edited by zagibu on Jul 24, 2017, 3:55:20 AM
I would be fine with it being set to a "remembered" status of open or closed. as long as I can set it to be open per play session, and then it stays open I think it would be super nice.

I agree the white / dead space around tabs isn't needed, granted I know the original thought for it was prior to premium tabs to provide some break up for normal tabs.

But even then I think most players are able to make due without the white space.

It will also make playing with my guild that has like 30-40 guild stash tabs much easier. Names can be a bit longer, and more useful, and I can jump back and forth while trying to organize the items, without having to have so many added clicks.

Think it would be an easy toggle option, just set a bit value on the player show or not, that gets set when you toggle it open or closed.

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