Who wants to play tonight!

Lol, hook me up with a key ma brotha man, and I'd be more than happy to. :D
Oh definitely me, since I just signed up for beta a couple days ago. Then we can get in game and laugh about the unfairness of the world, and how unjustly I line skipped other longer-waiting players. Right? Guys? Who's with me?
I am with you Wrathofcronus! Just signed up today, but man, I would really love a key .... today!
i want to play how about as much as pie which is
3. 1415926535897 9323846264338 3279502884197 1693993751058 2097494459230 7816406286208 9986280348253 4211706798214 8086513282306 6470938446095 5058223172535 9408128481117 4502841027019 3852110555964 4622948954930 3819644288109 7566593344612 8475648233786 7831652712019 0914564856692 3460348610454 3266482133936 0726024914127 3724587006606 3155881748815 2092096282925 4091715364367 8925903600113 3053054882046 6521384146951 9415116094330 5727036575959 1953092186117 3819326117931 0511854807446 2379962749567 3518857527248 9122793818301 1949129833673 3624406566430 8602139494639 5224737190702 1798609437027 7053921717629 3176752384674 8184676694051 3200056812714 5263560827785 7713427577896 0917363717872 1468440901224 9534301465495 8537105079227 9689258923542 0199561121290 2196086403441 8159813629774 7713099605187 0721134 its pie up to the 762 decimal does this mean i win???
look on page 6 for the list of numbers that have not been taken so you do not dbl guess i will update it for every one until someone wins this is for the beta key number contest
I am bored, gimme key plz kekeke

Also waiting since mid of last year :&
Last edited by DDeluxe on Feb 10, 2012, 2:46:14 PM
I just want to play with my friends.... I feel so left out ;_;
Hardcore Mode.

Plain and simple, I want to play tonight becouse I want to experience: Adrenaline, challenges and risks =).
if there are people with a spare beta keys...

could you please give out a key to everyone that needs one? It's much easier building up this games reputation when there are more people testing/playing. I just recently received mine, and am making an effort to find one for my cousin.

So, if there are some slick players out there that could help a fellow gamer out, rather than sit on there key, please by all means, dish them out!!!

By the way, I play on Default, character's name is: VinMack

hit me up dooders!
Last edited by altered on Feb 10, 2012, 6:41:16 PM
buckets wrote:
GreatScott wrote:
and I have beer.


dude this guy wins he is in battle mode
WeedGrinder - lvl 24 Ranger (Default)

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