[2.6][OCC] Stinky Sticks ---- 1.5M DPS Poison EssenceDrain Totem Guide@Budget/Lab/Atziri/Shaper

Hello everyone

This is my guide for ED(essence drain) tri/dual totem occulist build.

This build is enabled in 2.6 by two recently updated unique items.

Soul-Mantle chest makes it possible to 7L a ED totem,which compensated the damage loss of spell totem gem.
Also it gives us the option to run dual totems without taking Ancestral Bond,
in which case we could improve our AoE ability hugely with Abyssal Cry and Profane Bloom.

With new Kikazaru ring we could offset the side-effect of soul mantle,and even turn it into a damage boost with

For those who are not familar with ED,I would recommend to go through Mechanics part of Ramona's guide first.He gives a very clear explaination on the mechanics of ED.

ED totem VS selfcast ED

-ED totem provides higher AoE ability in most situation.

Due to the AoE nerf of 2.6,Contagion's contagious area is smaller than before.
Abyssal Cry and Profane Bloom could take out most mobs much more efficient than contagion.

Besides Totem could get a almost free LMP with Rain of Splinters.

-Higher single target damage.

The tooltip dot dps may seem lower than selfcast ED,but most of our dps comes from poison damage.
Dual/Tri totem gives us x2/x3 damage and it's higher than selfcast ed in most cases.
(Theoritcally,with prefect rolled 6L +3 chaos Deliruim spell damage staff
selfcast ED may out dps ED totem,but such item takes unholy currencies/luck to craft and does not even exist yet.)

Also in totem build we could selfcast wither and stack it much faster than wither totem.

-Safer playstyle

With ED totem we could just drop totems,cast Abyssal Cry/Contagion then run away with Phase Run.
Mobs will target totems instead of ourslef,it's safer than the facetank style of selfcast ED in most cases.

-More comfortable playstle(personal opinion)

Totem will target mobs automatically.
No more shooting game with super slow bubble gun!
It's always a pain of ass for me to aim moving boss with Slower Proj ED.

Overall Pros&Cons

-Very cheap to start out,in current economy Soul Mantle/Kikazaru/The Consuming Dark will cost a few chaos at most.
-Could do all map mods.
-Safe to play as totem build.
-Relatively tanky as an OCC CI build.
-Resilient to curse mods.Thanks to dual Kikazaru,curses will only have 20% effect on you.

-High mana cost.(205 for 6L lv21 ED)
Relies on mana flask.
-Not a 1-minute-strand-clear kind of build.
We could clear maps in decent speed but thats all.
-Not possible to stack unholy(20k+) ES amount like selfcast ED
because 3 of our item slots are bound to unique items.

Dual Totem VS Tri Totem

As Soul Mantle give 1 additional Totem freely,we could run dual totems without taking Ancestral Bond.

That means we could do damage ourselves,makes it possible for us to use 4L Abyssal Cry to chain explode mobs.
Abyssal Cry deals chaos damage based in mob's life,which could be scaled easily as we get a lot of chaos damage in passives.It's much efficient than Contagion-Based ED in most situations.

If we take Ancestral Bond with Soul Mantle equiped,we could place 3 totems at most.
With the sacrifice of AoE ability,we get almost 50% more single target damage than dual totem.
This may be needed in tougher boss fight.(Uber/Guardians/Shaper)


Build enablers.Must have if you want to run this build.

Free posion is a huge damage boost.Spell damage and Int is also good to have.Highly recommended.

A well rolled spell damage Delirum weapon plus +1 6L soul mantle and lv4 empower may provide a little higer dps.
But the cost is not even remotely comparable.

Spell damage 2-dips both the default dot and posion damage of ED.
Fingerless glove is recommended.

Some regular rares.Get your resistance and es in helm/shield/boots/belt.

BIS in terms of damage.Could use it as long as you can cap resistance with other gears.

I'm using this rare amulet for it's stat(dex/str) and resistance.
Could use eye of chayula if you want 100% stun immunity.

put in bakcup,spam RF totem before boss fight to get curses up


ED duration is the best enchantment.The duration also extend the duration of posion therefore makes it a 20% more damage boost.


Kill all.
Kill all.
Kill all.


The damage per curse is global damage therefore could 2 dip posion damage.
Provides huge damage boost for us.

Basicly a lmp for totems with less damage penalty,provides higher aoe ability.

For other jews just look for
-Spell Damage
-Chaos Damage
-Global Damage
-Damage Over Time
-Energy Shield

-Projectile Damage
-Totem Damage
-Totem Elemental Resistance(need 20% from jew to cap totem resist)
These 3 mods make all the juicy 3-4 mods jews for us cheap as dirt.

Got them for 5c and 7c.


MH Faster Attacks-Shield Charge-Fortify

OH Vaal Discpline-Vaal Discpline-Increased Duration(replace 1 Vaal Disc for Vaal Lightning Trap when doing map)

Chest Essence Drain-Pierce-Void Minuplation-Controlled Destruction-Slower Projectiles(5th link)--Added Chaos Damage(6th link)

Change Added Chaos Damage to lv4 Empower if you could get a +1 6L Soul Mantle.

Helm Blasphmey-Temporal Chains-Discpline-Enlighten

Glove Wither-Faster Casting-Increased Duration-Flame Dash


tri totems

Contagion-Increased Duration-Increased Area of Effect-Phase Run

dual totems

Abyssal Cry-Increased Area of Effect-Void Minuplation-Added Chaos Damage

For Shaper fight
Conversion Trap-Multiple Traps-Cluster Traps-Increased Duration
Use conversion trap to deal with mobs in portal phase.
We can not use Abyssal Cry in tri totems setup and contagion doesn't provide enough aoe ability to clear mobs from portal.

Backup:Spell Totem-Rightous Fire-Remote Mine-Minefield

Spam before boss fight to get all curses up and boost your damage.
Remote Mine is not needed if using Tremor Rod(highly recommended).

Priority of gem level and quality
1.Lv 21 Essence Drain,it will boost your damage.
Level 6 ED in your offhand and vaal them as lv20/0q if you can not afford a lv21 gem.

2.Lv 21 ED with 20q,quality of ED is the most important,provides 20% inc chaos damage.

3.20q for all the support gems,10% inc damage.
(Void Minuplation-Controlled Destruction-Slower Projectiles--Added Chaos Damage)


Void Beacon-Wicked Ward-Profane Bloom-Malediction


Number Sheet



Actual Damage vs Standard Boss(20 stack wither,shocking ground)

1 Mil dps for dual totem(poison dps x2+ed dot+hit dps x2)
1.5 Mil dps for tri totem(poison dps x3+ed dot+hit dps x3)


Use freeze pluse/spark and fire trap until the end of normal a1.
Put essence drain/wither/contagion in offhand weapons to level gem.
Then get firestorm and use both selfcast firestorm and spell totem firestorm.
Rush to Ancestral Bond and switch to dual flameblast totem at lvl 28.

32 pts(lvl 28@normal a3)

Equip Soul Mantle and 2 Kikazaru rings as soon as you hit lvl 49.

63 pts passive(lvl 49@cruel a3)

Farm cruel dried lake until lvl 53 so that we can equip consuming darkness.
Refund Ancestral Bond,Elemental Overload,Elementalist,go pick Corruption.
We can use dual ED totem/abysaal cry from then on.

72 pts passives(lvl 56@cruel a4)

Go right to pick life nodes and chaos damage nodes.

101 pts passives(lvl 78@merciless a4)

Then switch to CI as soon as you get the CI gears ready.

Last edited by jrsyn on Apr 19, 2017, 11:08:58 PM
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2017, 5:29:37 PM
Updated with two mapping videos
Updated two guardian fight videos
Update Shaper and Minotaur video
Any tips for leveling? Skills used/where to go on tree?
Transistory19 wrote:
Any tips for leveling? Skills used/where to go on tree?

Updated some leveling tips :)

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