Effect of Decay from multiple sources.

Hey , i bet this was asked b4. But with my googling skills i failed to find an answer to my question about essence of Delirium - decay effect.

For example:
I use orb of storm that ticks.... often. By my understanding it will trigger every time it hits and keep refreshing decay.
Also i Use Essence drain (6L) that i use Once. That will apply stronger decay (due to supp gems).

Question is, will OoS weaker decay override stronger effect since it hit again after ED hit ? Or stronger decay persist till its end, and then Orb of Storm will not apply a new effect until i hit with ED?
Or maybe they will Stack, since they are different in power ?

I know that same power decay will not stack.

Sorry for possible spelling mistakes
Kind Regards
Last edited by Cimbulimbu2 on Feb 26, 2017, 6:28:42 AM
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2017, 1:48:34 PM
My theory is that the decay from essence drain stays for the full duration and then orb of storms applies a new, weaker effect.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
I would expect the two separate effects to stack.

The effect, Decay, will not self stack. However, since Essence Drain does not specifically call its effect Decay, it should be distinct.

Generally GGG is really good about keywords like this, for this exact reason.

This is identical to things like Ignite, Freeze, Shock, whatever. They "stack" in so much as it will keep track of applications, but only the strongest effect will apply. Since from what I've seen only one source of Decay exists, there's nothing to really worry about here.


Realized after the fact of the case of support gems and whatnot, which will have an effect: Similar to what was stated with ignite, I would expect the Decay from OoS and ED to both "apply" but only the stronger of the two to be active. As such, ED with chaos/dot links will be superior and override the other.
Last edited by Kaldrake on Feb 26, 2017, 12:31:25 PM
Edited. Nevermind me. XD
Last edited by Kaemonarch on Feb 26, 2017, 12:30:13 PM
Kaldrake wrote:
Since from what I've seen only one source of Decay exists, there's nothing to really worry about here.

Essence Drain also applies Decay with its Projectile, is the thing.

But, yes, generally the strongest effect takes precedence.
Vipermagi wrote:

Essence Drain also applies Decay with its Projectile, is the thing.

But, yes, generally the strongest effect takes precedence.

Too slow to edit my original post it seems!
Decay is a flat 750 Damage Per Second effect that lasts 10 Seconds base. This effect also scales from the supports in the skill applying the decay. When you hit Decay with your ED its going to be up 10 Seconds base and then IF you say use Inc Duration in the links it should extend that duration BUT since Decay does not stack your OOS also never overrides the ED decay. It will however apply the decay IF the ED decay happens to have run out which should never happen since ED duration is MUCH shorter than Decay duration so you will always want to be reapplying ED to keep both degens going on Single Targets. You also would not want to apply decay with your OOS anyway since the supports in your ED is going to give a much stronger Decay in the first place.

But to answer the question Decay does not stack therefore it is not being overridden by your OOS because the effect is already been applied with ED so its not going to be applied by the the OOS since it doesn't stack. OOS however also applies decay and it appears that when i apply decay with ED after applying with OOS the decay on ED does take priority but its quite hard to test this since ED has a degen that has to run out to really see if there's much difference in the degen from OOS and ED. But from what i can tell its making the stronger decay effect take priority which tells me you CAN override the decay effect but only with a stronger decay from the supports such as ED. Its also extremely hard to test but it also appears to extend the duration on decay with OOS. But im not sure if its extending the ED supported Stronger Decay duration or if its only applies the weaker and once the ED decay runs out the weaker will take over. Most things die too fast to really test for sure and things that dont have so much HP it hard to see in difference in the degen.

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