surgeon flasks

hi community!

poe wiki says that you gain 1 charge every 200ms if you deal a crit (in one flask).

if you deal a crit to a pack of 10 monsters,

do i gain 1 charge in a sinlge 200ms hit, or do i gain 10 charges for multiple crits?

if you dont fight single bosses i currently prefer recovery mod while feelin better secure.

thanks for your help,

Last bumped on Mar 28, 2017, 2:42:13 PM
You are limited to gaining 1 Charge per 200ms.

Does not matter how many mobs you hit.
was this also limited when there was no restriction of 200ms?

in legacy ive critted a bunch of monsters and also only gained 1 charge if down from 1 hit?

i ask this because ive got the subjective feelin that i gain less charges since the 200ms nerf since the nerf wouldnt affect me while oneshottin.

kind regards:)

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