Display bug in skill damage?

I'm having trouble getting actual usable information from the wall of text, it would really help me work out where the error is creeping in if you could give a specific situation I can replicate (with as few items/modifiers as possible), and tell me the value you're expecting and the value you see in game.

I can definitely tell you that this:
databeaver wrote:
Summary: The "total combined spell damage" value on character sheet seems to include the default critical chance and multiplier of the spell in question
is absolutely not the case. That stat is only the minimum and maximum damage with applicable damage modifiers. It does not and cannot account for anything involving critical strikes.
ShadyC wrote:
And this is my current Skill tree setup. Pay no heed to its sloppiness near the bottom, I'm halfway through my plan of paths & respecs :P


I did my best to replicate this tree in the online planner, but it doesn't seem to add up with the bonuses you have labelled in the image.

Before I go any further, can you confirm if this matches the tree you're displaying in your image?

If so, then the totals shown in the image don't match the stats from those passives. There's no "increased Attack and Cast speed" (image claims 8%), the total for "increased Cast Speed" should be 46% (not 51%), and the total for "increased Elemental Damage" should be 48% (not 88%).

I can't see a difference between what I see in the image and what I selected in the tree - there are a couple of places the zoom made be squint to work out if a particular passive was taken or not, but they wouldn't explain these discrepancies.

It might be an error in whatever skill tree planner you used to take the screenshot (I tried several I found online and none fully matched the displayed interface, so I don't know which one you used to try it for myself), or I might be blind and have completely missed some passives, but either way sorting out this difference in the input values needs to happen before I can examine the calculations in more detail.

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