Personal Passive Tree

I started in early years with "Speaker to the Gods" after my first psychedelic experience on shrooms when i was around 10. It was not intended, just happens to during summer in aunts house. Her husband liked to go to forrest for shrooms, she made sause and i was the only one - i "felt off" in tuesday and woke up in sunday.

From this point i was always attracted into the Occult and Mysteries but not always followed that attraction. Tried many things, never been "money-focused" tho. Life put a heavy turn on me after i tried once so i took "One Leg On The Other Side" nod after my suicide attempt. This nod opened to me path to "Connected With Divine" and "Know Thyself" nods that provide Divine guidance and help IF i just let go and allow to be taken where i need to be taken.

In short :D

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