Could need a helping hand regarding a build

Howdy everyone!

I didn't play for a while (didn't even know the ascendancy paths^^) but the game hooked me up again and I was never really a fan of taking other poeples builds and just copy them.

I rather am doing some theorycrafting myself and try to get something going with my own brain muscle^^

But, as in PoE you can't just respecc all of your stuff and I'm not so good in racing characters to descent levels, I could use some feedback for my build.

The basic idea is a Gladiator build around DoT-Damage. Main skills I want to use are Cyclone for AoE and Dual Strike for Bosses. Buff it up with some Ancestral Protector and Blood Rage and something defensive (Enduring Cry maybe?). This would be my basic Skilltree for now:


Should I pick Vaal Pact for that Setup or isn't it viable anymore?

Next thing is: going Blood Magic and Mortal Conviction?

Is the poison Damage strong enough to justify the way up to Method of the Madness?

Is a generell aproach towards dual wielding viable or am I forced into picking a specific weapon class like Axes? I know there are some weapons worth picking, but I'm not the kind of guy who's into trading, so I mainly play selffound.

I'm alos not aiming for leading ladders or stuff, I just want to have a good time and clear as many maps as possible without running into a giant wall of "Nope, you're Build wont work!".

Suggestions appreciated!
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2016, 8:41:15 AM
Anybody? Some thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Hey dude. I just checked your tree and there is one MAJOR problem: With just 89% increased life, you wont survive any high level content (60+).

Also, you ascendancy choice doesnt make much sense. Why apply 100% of block to spells if you dont block much anyway?

I understand if you don`t want to use other builds, but you should at least look at some other trees and try to change your own.

Base tree. You can use this one as a starter tree and adjust to your needs (more block, more damage, concentrate on one weapon type, etc.. You should aim for at least 180% increased life as a melee char, otherwise you wont survive merc (or even maps).

Lv 86 tree Dual weild
Last edited by raggapaul on Dec 7, 2016, 8:44:34 AM

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