any good bow build for FB with temp

any good bow builds for
that can do the shaper :) ?
Last bumped on Oct 20, 2016, 3:36:12 PM
Any crit phys build that uses DoT effects, like Poison. Temp chains not only makes mobs slower, which makes you safer, it makes status effects like poison or bleed expire slower on mobs. Facebreakers give MASSIVE crit multi also, so any crit build can benefit.
Docbp87 wrote:
Any crit phys build that uses DoT effects, like Poison. Temp chains not only makes mobs slower, which makes you safer, it makes status effects like poison or bleed expire slower on mobs. Facebreakers give MASSIVE crit multi also, so any crit build can benefit.

can i ask about what DoT, HoT. stands for? :)
Err I mean temporal chains is a good curse overall for any build if your not looking to squeeze out more damage. In general just have a crit bow build, if you want extra min-max use bow builds that use status effects so temporal chains make them last longer.
DoT= Damage over time (things like Ignite, Bleed, Poison, etc.)

Not sure where you saw HoT, but generally that would refer to Herald of Thunder.
Docbp87 wrote:
DoT= Damage over time (things like Ignite, Bleed, Poison, etc.)

Not sure where you saw HoT, but generally that would refer to Herald of Thunder.

cool thx. but do you know any crit bow build with the gloves, cause i'm not the guy who can make a build :p
crit stun build with Cragfall and Slayer
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Ludvator wrote:
crit stun build with Cragfall and Slayer
a link for it :) ?
The most common would be either Barrage Volley Fire builds or Tornado Shot guys. You'll want to check out some build guides in the Ranger and Shadow class forums, but in general:

-Tornado Shot with a Reach of the Council bow (or a Death's Opus, which is somewhat cheaper) fills the screen with critty arrows that deliver DoT effects. Usually considered the most potent on Assassin Shadows or Deadeye Rangers; the former because they have huge boosts to Bleed/Poison and because Assassins can crit cap anything, the latter because it can generate extra Tornado Shot projectiles with improved accuracy and also has some very nice crit bonuses.

-Barrage with at least three Volley Fire threshold jewels activated sprays a giant, intensely satisfying firehose-flood of arrows in a cone in front of you. Also critty, also delivers lots of poison. Best on Assassins, again, but in this case both Deadeye and Raider have nice options for the build. Most would consider Deadeye the stronger of the two options, but Raider is faster and has slightly stronger defensive options.

Your gloves are particularly good for Poison-centric builds, since Temporal Chains indirectly increases Poison damage as Doc mentioned. Tornado Shot and Barrage both would be happy to have those Facebreakers available. Which skill you use mostly depends on whether you like scattering Arrow Novas in every direction (Tornado Shot) or prefer to focus your fire in an obliterating cone of please-die-now in front of you (Barrage). The builds are otherwise quite similar in overall set-up.

Once you have a clue which you'd like to try, search for guides on them and get an idea of how other players do the build. That should give you your start point. from there, play it and see how it goes.
DBM92 wrote:
Ludvator wrote:
crit stun build with Cragfall and Slayer
a link for it :) ?

dont have. It was from top of my head when thinking about what would suit the item

not sure about Shaper though, you probably not gonna stun him, but Shaper is actaually less than 0.1% of the game
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Last edited by Ludvator on Oct 20, 2016, 2:01:33 PM

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