So I found an Exalt...

Yay me :D

I'm unsure what to do with it,horde it like Gollem with the one ring?

Or maybe sell it for chaos and buy some good levelling gear like a Goldrim etc. ?

I mean,this is my most lvld char,the rest are mostly nameholders,so good levelling stuff would help and hopefully I'll find more.

On the other hand part of me is screaming "no it's mine!"

So ,opinions please,and an idea of whats good to buy.

Last bumped on Sep 27, 2016, 4:39:14 PM
Sometimes a seller will accept only exalts or lower the rate if you ask him to take other currency so it's probably better to stash it away for bigger purchases and use the loose change to buy levelling items.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Sep 27, 2016, 5:39:30 AM
I'd hang onto it. Definitely don't be spending it just to be spending it. Wait until you have a good clear reason to spend it. Or keep it as a souvenir. Don't waste it on leveling gear, that's too easy to come by.
Banfae wrote:
Yay me :D

I'm unsure what to do with it,horde it like Gollem with the one ring?

Yes, keep it. don't ever use it and only trade it after your char reached the endgame (mapping).
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
You'll find Chaos orbs here and there, and should be accumulating Alteration/Jeweller's/Fusing orbs*. These are the currencies to spend on leveling gear, should you need it - trading down an Exalt just isn't really worthwhile. :)

* = Vendors trade 8 Alts -> 4 Jeweller's -> 1 Fusing.
Elreon offers the 32 Alts -> 20 Jeweller's deal, which is slightly more efficient.
This is more a backup plan, you'd preferrably be spending Chaos, but it can be useful in a pinch.
Looks like I'll be holding onto it day I'll have enough gear to do an ED build :)
Banfae wrote:
Looks like I'll be holding onto it day I'll have enough gear to do an ED build :)

Life-based Essence Drain is actually pretty simple to get running on peanuts. The only unique you really want is Consuming Dark, which goes for a handful of chaos you should hopefully have by the time you get to the level where you can equip it anyways. A junky 5L to do earlymid mapping with runs about the same, and then the build should ideally start paying for its own upgrades.

CI Essence Drain is harder, but CI in general is a pain without buttpiles of currency so don't do it.
What league is it in?

Anyway, there are two main things you can do with it if you want to spend it:
- trade it for Chaos and buy some cool levelling items.
- trade it for an expensive* item that you wouldn't be able to normally get (eg: do you need Vessel of Vinktar? Hegemony's era? etc?)

*Note, many people would not consider 1ex to be expensive, but it is very expensive if you only have 1ex!!
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
SaiyanZ wrote:
I also found one yesterday. It was a random Dried Lake party with PA. It dropped for someone else but I managed to lead everyone away from the treasure and went back to grab it when they left. Few things gets your heart beating faster.

If an exalt drops offscreen, and nobody is around to see it, did it really ever drop? I always wonder if I've missed out on good drops that way back in the days of fellshrine group farming.

Regarding the exalt drop, I'd say if your character has a big upgrade you can pick up, and you plan on sticking to the character for a while, go for it! Definitely wouldn't downsell it for leveling gear though.
Former player moderator, valued poster, and early-adopter responsible for The Blood Dance.

GGG has forgotten where they came from. As a result, I no longer support the deceitful, corporate Tencent slave sellouts running this game.
Last edited by MonopolyLegend on Sep 27, 2016, 4:39:57 PM

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