PoEBuilder Master Thread [UPDATED 08/20/2014]

Gary_GGG wrote:
Bhaisabh wrote:
is there any way to make items that don't have the lowest implicit roll possible? for example, creating a diamond ring with 30% critical chance instead of 20%?

You can reroll with Blessed Orbs

I didn't know you could reroll stats with orbs in PoE builder :)

If it's true that's really cool
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
demivion wrote:
Gary_GGG wrote:
Bhaisabh wrote:
is there any way to make items that don't have the lowest implicit roll possible? for example, creating a diamond ring with 30% critical chance instead of 20%?

You can reroll with Blessed Orbs

I didn't know you could reroll stats with orbs in PoE builder :)

If it's true that's really cool

LOL gg
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo

you can't reroll stats with orbs in poebuilder but that feature has been on my mind since i made the importer. would be awesome to make 40 chaos orbs on the site and just go to town.

there is no current way to reroll the stats on an item in poebuilder.
Sup guys, not sure if I missed something but when importing my gear, everything shows except my Aegis? It is not the only unique of the lot. Worked before the patch.

Nice site btw!
Last edited by AqUaLoRd on Aug 22, 2014, 3:06:01 AM
I've got the same issue with Uniques -Rime Gaze helmet not importing or Bones of Ullr slippers. Manually attempting it with 'New Unique' button doesnt show either.

Really like the tool though worked on a few other characters for reskilling from FM expansion.
Last edited by fiveball on Aug 24, 2014, 11:53:52 AM
Cant load unique helmets at all for some reason, and get random bouts of lag.
Can't save my build. Clicking save doesn't do anything. Tried in firefox and IE.
Can't place points; clicking on nodes does nothing.
Looks like there may be a bug with the calculation of secondary shield attributes in the passive tree. Enhanced defenses from shields calculates and adds values to armor and energy shield, but enhanced elemental defenses, enhanced armor, and enhanced energy shield don't seem to be calculating.
Like gizzomizzo, I also am unable to click any skills or apply points in Chrome, but it is working on Firefox.

Console error that appears in Chrome but not FF:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'createPattern' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': No function was found that matched the signature provided. main-2142927e.js:7
n.createClass.drawBackground main-2142927e.js:7
a main-2142927e.js:10
n.createClass.componentDidUpdate main-2142927e.js:7
r.notifyAll main-2142927e.js:12
y.close main-2142927e.js:12
r.closeAll main-2142927e.js:13
r.perform main-2142927e.js:13
D.Mixin.performUpdateIfNecessary main-2142927e.js:10
G.performUpdateIfNecessary main-2142927e.js:10
d main-2142927e.js:12
G.replaceState main-2142927e.js:10
G.setState main-2142927e.js:10
i.createClass.updateData main-2142927e.js:5
a main-2142927e.js:10
(anonymous function) main-2142927e.js:5
success main-2142927e.js:14
(anonymous function) main-2142927e.js:14

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