I love Kinetic Blast!!!

0.18 attack time on skill, taking into account that he have life-tree and no real huge attack speed boosts then he must have some outside buffs to achieve that attack time.
Anyway, I see that he use lot of "spell damage" where kinetic blast doesnt have "spell" tag on it. Does it boost it dmg neverthless?
CoC OP. Oh wait.
Git R Dun!
The spell damage is for crown of eyes the helmet. ..
The spell damage is for crown of eyes the helmet. ..

Didnt notice.
I have no idea why you pick pierce on skill tree when you have pierce support gem + deadeye powerful precision. With those two things you have 100% pierce chance on like whole screen range so you could go for much better skill point allocation for those.
I'm pretty noob. But doesn't the pierce from deadeye only give a lot of pierce at the start of the projectile?
Yeah. But with your high attack speed and the quite high pierce chance in general you could take into consideration to spent those points somewhere else. I would test it. If the difference is not too significant, you get some points for free ;)
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
I tested it and ended up just going with the Rupture ascendancy because not having 100% all the time was resulting in me not being able to 1 shot 3 screen lengths of mobs with 1 attack. :/
This build was strong enough to hit 93 in just under 24 hours on the /played. was pretty fun.
But doesn't show us the sheer number of exalts in items to attain that at, what, level 90?

I updated it with my gear. really not that amazing.
The build diversity in this game is truly astonishing.

Only Path of Exile makes the possibility of one-shotting an entire screen of enemies with the click of one mouse button while you watch Twitch/Netflix/whatever on another screen a reality. The skill threshold in this game is incredible.

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