Have you died to traps?

Got stuck in spikes as LL and saw hit me same time.
I also dropped to like 4% after the flamedash bug.
Usually don't die to traps, but now I do as I play Shield Charge with Abyssus. Daum like playing on a bower with Blink Arrow is all chill or spamming Leap Slam, but yeh without dem jumping skills and sissle piss annoying.
lol Yes but not to bad gameplay. To lag/stutter. Nothing like lagging and hearing "Justice, has been served"
got a few deaths but mostly for running around without even looking where i was steping.

the only BS death i had was when doing that "push to object" minigame, the object was running in a straight line between 2 saws so no way to run out of their way and a horde of zombies leaving tar was not helping.

for the most part my death where to izaro, either my fps drop to 1 digit when he starts spawming all those skelys, skills and i get owned or i get cought in one of those mortal combat super combos.
self found league fan


I have no idea how many times I died to traps on my main. As of this moment my main on Prophecy league has died 129 times @ level 89. Before you rip me for being a noob, understand that I've never claimed to be good at this game and I pretty much play self found. I've bought 3 items so far this league.

My secondary character has died 5 times, 3 were dc/lag, 1 was in a trial in 78 map at level 66 and 1 was my fault for being bad(no bleed flask on a corrupt blood blue pack).
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
Yes, once with an armor life regen char in norm or cruel.^^
I died to traps in a trial once, because I had 400 latency in a full party. Other than that, I have not died to traps.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
To the trial traps?, No but i was really close once, it was at the fire floors, was quite a close call.
Yes. The worst trap in Izaro......Framerate...
I may have died to a trap at some point right after the lab was introduced, but I honestly don't remember if I did or not. After thousands of hours it all kind of blurs together.

This league, at least, I started in SC mostly to get the challenges. I ran a little over 20 trials without dying. I got challenge 36 and instantly switched to HC. I found my first trial in HC at around level 72, got almost to the end, and died to a roomba.

It did not feel good. No POE deaths feel good, but I have to put dying to a trap up there with dying to desync. It just sucks.

The death came out of nowhere, too. I tested the trap damage at the start of the trial so I'd know how much time I'd have if I had to run through one or if POE's shitty pathing decided to make me run straight into one for whatever reason. The damage wasn't bad. That roomba at the end seemed to kill me three times as fast as the one I tested at the start, though.

At least I learned from that experience and should be less likely to die the same way next time. From now on I'll portal out of the map to pick up extra life flasks first and just bounce out of the trial if my flasks ever run out of charges. I'll also probably only do one trial of each type in HC. The risk/reward just isn't there for me.

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