What are the best items to put on Animate Guardian?

I'm talking about a summoner-type build. Leer Cast, Dying Breath, what else?
Last bumped on Jun 22, 2018, 7:20:38 AM
Kaom's roots, Southbound, Zahndethus cassock, Kaom's heart if you really want it to be immortal

My current setup is Kaom's Roots, Dying Breath, Southbound, Leer Cast, and Death's Oath (For the cool looking aura)

300+ hrs of playing, not one death
To Do List:
-Add Better Minion Supports
-Add More Permanent Minions
GoreFleshSummoner | Low Life Zombie n' Specter Summoner
Summoner Gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1633760
Last edited by Enzari on Jun 5, 2016, 10:23:36 PM
Is Zahndethus' Cassock mainly used to prevent the Guardian from dying to chaos damage?
Enzari wrote:
Kaom's roots, Southbound, Zahndethus cassock, Kaom's heart if you really want it to be immortal

My current setup is Kaom's Roots, Dying Breath, Southbound, Leer Cast, and Death's Oath (For the cool looking aura)

300+ hrs of playing, not one death

Belly might actually be better due to the incredible base HP a guardian gets, but I'm not sure. I also wonder how he fairs with Facebreaker :P I gave mine Facebreaker, since we have no tooltips I don't really know if it works for a guardian, but he does get fairly decent base damage and you can easily give him an abyssus, since he usually doesn't die anyway. If you make heavy use of curses though Dying Breath is a really good option, due to the reduced curse resistance of enemies. But having a Facebreaking Guardian is kinda cool.

But from the benefits for you and your minions the only items that really do something are Dying Breath and Leer Cast, Victario's Charity is only good for Necromantic Aegis, since you want all minions to have it (and it will ensure permanent Frenzy Charges and a lot of Powercharges). The rest of the items can basically be anything. I honestly would go for Belly as a Chest since it is really affordable compared to Kaoms and just use some Boots and Gloves. Leer Cast, Belly and Dying Breath are all easily replaceable if the guardian should actually die, which shouldn't happen he usually dies way after all your minions and at this point you should either die if your not hardcore or logout if you are hardcore. Or run and possibly just recall your guardian :P
Main reason for the cassock is consecrated ground on block that gets spammed once you cast bone offering to provide 4% life regen, although with Sulphur Flask this is no longer the only source for summoners. As recommended above, Dying Breath + Leer Cast is pretty much the standard setup.

If you want tankiness you can also use a BoR since animated guardians don't have that restriction with the chestpiece. That chestpiece might be a kaom's or belly, but you'll have to factor in the base hp (additive with kaom's?) and %minion life (additive with gem scaling + belly?) into effect and see how they stack up. Atziri steps are also decent if you want to throw a pair around and can get resistances capped from gloves. It's worth mentioning that animated guardian can't trigger glove enchants (but boot enchants might work, hard to tell).
Schaller wrote:
If you want tankiness you can also use a BoR since animated guardians don't have that restriction with the chestpiece. That chestpiece might be a kaom's or belly, but you'll have to factor in the base hp (additive with kaom's?) and %minion life (additive with gem scaling + belly?) into effect and see how they stack up. Atziri steps are also decent if you want to throw a pair around and can get resistances capped from gloves. It's worth mentioning that animated guardian can't trigger glove enchants (but boot enchants might work, hard to tell).

You sure? Never tried BoR, but if you equip a shield on a guardian it will remove Goddess swords, and I've heard that enchants work just fine.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Jun 6, 2016, 4:59:54 AM
flat life on guardians is wasteful. the only things one should put on a guardian should be items capable of maxing their resists and /or provide useful bonuses to your other summons.

so far that is still the usualy

southbound/ cassok/leer/breath/ resist boots combo

if you take the newly buffed with aura resist ascendancy you can switch out the boots for somthing novel also
Fun little thing to know: animate gaurdian can equip both Bringer of Rain and a bodyarmour and still get the benefits of both.
Saltychipmunk wrote:
flat life on guardians is wasteful. the only things one should put on a guardian should be items capable of maxing their resists and /or provide useful bonuses to your other summons.

so far that is still the usualy

southbound/ cassok/leer/breath/ resist boots combo

if you take the newly buffed with aura resist ascendancy you can switch out the boots for somthing novel also

lol what? Flat life on guardians wasteful? What are you smoking? On top of minion life passives (of which there are many), the gem itself has an implicit "increased minion life" modifier that applies to all flat life increases on the guardian.

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