Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

CrimsonSiege wrote:

Ya, I know 60% of 75 is 45. I said everyone with a 75 will have theirs go down to 30 because they said there will not be legacies, so EVERY Consuming Dark will be bumped down to the same 60% of what it is now (50% conversion) all Consuming Darks will be at 30% conversion after the update. I understand why they are doing it, but for a casual player like me with only a few exalted orbs to his name, I was enjoying being able to run endgame maps on a budget.

Don't see how chaos conversion being balanced affects your ability to run endgame maps. Is the issue reflect map mods? That's too bad, your build is prevented from running 1 map mod, no issue with running endgame maps. Is the issue damage? You get 60% conversion, that's a nerf in damage but shouldn't impact your map clearing in much issue. Is it rare monster mods? 40% of your damage isn't converted, 20% of damage is reflected, you should have 75% elemental resistance = you take .4*.2*.25 = 2% of your damage when hitting a elemental reflect nemesis rare. Deal with it.
When I finally had some usesfull LEGACY item you gonna nerf it. NERF THEN ALL LEGACY ITEMS!!! I'm pretty pissed off.
Mark_GGG wrote:
IlyaK1986 wrote:
1) Does the Raider's "Avatar of the Veil" chance to dodge spells stack with Phase Acrobatics + Atziri's Step? AKA "30 from PA + 16 from Atziri's + 10 from AoV"
IlyaK1986 wrote:
2) Assassin's Toxic Delivery. Do the words "you inflict" mean that this node basically doesn't affect traps and mines at all? AKA no 100% more poison damage on critical damage from bladefall traps/mines?

can you elaborate on these answers? will this work on totem builds?

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