Congrats on destroying Voltaxic Rift

MortalKombat3 wrote:
raics wrote:
Besides, the design of Voltaxic and Consuming was somewhat ridiculous from the start. Converting into chaos is an advantage in itself, did they really have to give you free status effects as well?

Well, a long time ago, Poison was just a crappy weak DoT, that couldnt be scaled well and didnt stacked either. So, Consuming Dark had "poison" property rather to fit item's theme, it didnt added much DPS anyway. Now, Poison can be scaled very hih due to DD, and it stacks.
And Voltaxic had 5% crit chance base, and couldnt leech mana, nor life (so you had to waste 1 gem slot for Blood Magic, and 1 more gem slot for Life Leech). It was always considered very strong, even depite its DPS never shined in the past. Now, you can leech both life and mana without wasting gem slots, you can put poison and scale it with DD, you have access to OP skills like (buffed many times) LA and Blast Rain, and so on.
Why wonder, that decent uniques from the past suddenly became OP?

Well, that would be assuming they stuck poison in there expecting it to stay worthless, we don't really know how long was poison rework in development, so that's kind of a moot point.

What I was saying is that dealing chaos damage and being able to scale it well (because scaling chaos was hard once) is enough of a boon in itself. No idea why anyone thought those items needed a cookie on top.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

eragon1111 wrote:
Yajirushi62 wrote:

Honestly, I just grabbed a harbinger that I bought for 10c in standard before switching to Voltaxic, and it's doing similarly on clear speed as my Voltaxic did. 133-313 damage and 8.6% crit which is similar to your 6L, the only thing that I won't be able to do with it is elemental reflect maps.

How fast do you clear t12+ bosses ? Do you run double reflect maps ?

T12+ Bosses are dying just as quickly as with a Voltaxic, and double reflect is less of an issue than you might think unless you run into a rare with reflect on top of the map double reflect mod. Honestly, I'm still going to be using Voltaxic in 2.3 because even with 40% of my damage being reflected I can run any map mod I want at the cost of a slightly lower shock chance on non-criticals because there will be two "hits" that can shock per hit instead of one.

Edit: I'm probably one of the minority that doesn't use poison in my Voltaxic setup, went Deadeye instead of Pathfinder at the beginning and could never justify the cost to switch.
Last edited by Yajirushi62 on May 24, 2016, 1:26:27 PM
Yajirushi62 wrote:
Honestly, I'm still going to be using Voltaxic in 2.3 because even with 40% of my damage being reflected I can run any map mod I want at the cost of a slightly lower shock chance on non-criticals because there will be two "hits" that can shock per hit instead of one.

Edit: I'm probably one of the minority that doesn't use poison in my Voltaxic setup, went Deadeye instead of Pathfinder at the beginning and could never justify the cost to switch.

I agree. I think that double dipping of poison is HIGHLY overrated. Was funny watching video where a guy with Voltaxic basically destroyed every monster on the map with first shot... and people were still making stupid comments how posion is OP. I was like... there is not even time to let posion do a few ticks.

I believe that Voltaxic and other chaos builds are sooo popular only because items in Perandus are extremely accesible and because its only way how to bypass the most stupid mechanic in game - reflect.
Last edited by Diphal on May 24, 2016, 1:36:37 PM
Diphal wrote:
Yajirushi62 wrote:
Honestly, I'm still going to be using Voltaxic in 2.3 because even with 40% of my damage being reflected I can run any map mod I want at the cost of a slightly lower shock chance on non-criticals because there will be two "hits" that can shock per hit instead of one.

Edit: I'm probably one of the minority that doesn't use poison in my Voltaxic setup, went Deadeye instead of Pathfinder at the beginning and could never justify the cost to switch.

I agree. I think that double dipping of poison is HIGHLY overrated. Was funny watching video where a guy with Voltaxic basically destroyed every monster on the map with first shot... and people were still making stupid comments how posion is OP. I was like... there is not even time to let posion do a few ticks.

I believe that Voltaxic and other chaos builds are sooo popular only because items in Perandus are extremely accesible and because its only way how to bypass the most stupid mechanic in game - reflect.

Yeah, the anti-reflect is probably the biggest part. It's going to be fun learning how to cheese Atziri without killing myself on my Voltaxic character after the nerf.
Diphal wrote:
I agree. I think that double dipping of poison is HIGHLY overrated. Was funny watching video where a guy with Voltaxic basically destroyed every monster on the map with first shot... and people were still making stupid comments how posion is OP. I was like... there is not even time to let posion do a few ticks.

That isn't really making a case for poison. If first hit from Earthquake kills everything before the shockwave goes off that doesn't mean EQ isn't overpowered, that just means power creep is so ridiculous that none of it even matters anymore.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Ceri wrote:
Frankenberry wrote:
So this item still does amazing damage and 60% reflect damage reduction. Sounds like a pretty damn solid item to me.

No. The damage of Voltaxic was never the point. It is pretty low dps honestly, it's not hard at all to find a rare bow that has significantly higher dps for a couple of chaos. And now when the defining property of it is ruined, what's the point in using it? Ok, granted it's one beautiful bow, and it's very purple.

I don't know, it just feels like a knee-jerk reaction to a problem that isn't with the item itself but with recent additions to the game. Fix those instead, I'd say. This isn't gonna fix anything that's actually broken.

The defining property of the item still remains at 60%. Thats a huge reflect damage reduction and you you still have a shit ton of chaos damage to exploit poison and double dip from. If you think that bow is now useless then you need to learn the game some more. Voltaxic will still be meta as fuck in the next league unless changes to poison, spark or lightning arrow are made as well.
Ceri wrote:
60% conversion as of next patch - no legacy version.

Where you found this informations? Source pls.
after years i got a voltaxic in perandus league.
i hope that the bow with 100% and my consuming dark dagger with 75% stay untouched.
i payed in exalts and if i loose this items ...oh no
_Emperor_ wrote:
Ceri wrote:
Frankenberry wrote:
So this item still does amazing damage and 60% reflect damage reduction. Sounds like a pretty damn solid item to me.

No. The damage of Voltaxic was never the point. It is pretty low dps honestly, it's not hard at all to find a rare bow that has significantly higher dps for a couple of chaos. And now when the defining property of it is ruined, what's the point in using it? Ok, granted it's one beautiful bow, and it's very purple.

I don't know, it just feels like a knee-jerk reaction to a problem that isn't with the item itself but with recent additions to the game. Fix those instead, I'd say. This isn't gonna fix anything that's actually broken.

It will have a prophecy... boom 100%

Clear an 8-mod twinned core with ele reflect while wearing voltaxic.


Ghoulz666 wrote:
Dying from something off-screen is healthy? Are you delusional? Is that fun gameplay to have to fucking read everything before you kill it? Are we reading books here?

It's a check to make sure you don't go full retard glass cannon, or at least that you die if you do so. The only problem is people think they should just be able to do this without risk.

The whole "it's a check to make sure you don't go full retard glass cannon" falls so hard on its face when you realize that the ranger portion of the tree has gotten absolutely raped defensively. Removal of life nodes, Ondar's utterly destroyed, acro block nerf (just in case you ever thought about making that pathfinder with rearguard + rumi's)...

Your argument holds no water considering that whenever someone finds a reliable way around reflect and manages to cover all their bases defensively, GGG comes along and blows up their defensive options to make sure reflect always gimps you.
Last edited by IlyaK1986 on May 24, 2016, 9:06:35 PM

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