23 Players Banned for Use of Third-Party Software

We have permanently banned 23 players for using third-party software tools such as map hacks or bots.

Some have complained that there were no warnings before this ban. As our Terms of Use states, the use of third-party software is disallowed. If you were not included in this ban wave, then treat this post as your warning.

If you have any questions about the legitimacy of specific software, please email support@grindinggear.com for clarification before running it. If you're concerned about something, then it's probably not allowed.

(This is a news post in the announcements forum that is not posted as visible on the front page of the site. We will make announcements like this occasionally when they are useful or interesting for the community but don't warrant front-page placement. They do not replace the news that we post each weekday.)
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Last edited by Chris on Oct 29, 2015, 7:04:57 PM

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