--link removed-- has jumped the shark

POEEX used to be a useful tool for trading, everyone using the same conversions meant we had a consistent form of currency. I loved the fact that someone took the time to build a site for us to that extent.
Then this morning I woke up and loaded up POEEX and saw that it has been vandalized and probably intentionally so.
The ratios have all changed which isn't an issue - currency is a dynamic thing and the exchange rate should change to compensate however, the numbers are no longer even, or usable in their current state.

The Chaos Orb was pretty much the closest thing we had to a standardized unit of currency, it was easy and the math was simple. You bid on an item with 20 Chaos equiv. and you can make up that value easily with other orbs. With the absurd alterations made today, that is no longer true. The math has become too complicated for the average person to use in large values. We have lost our standard unit.

So here is the question, are the new POEEX values worth using at all or shall we stick with the simpler method that many have already learned and accepted?
IGN: CouthlessChills, CouthImpaired, NoCouth or CouthOblivious.
Last edited by ionface on May 21, 2013, 12:03:06 AM
They were fine 5 minutes ago? Most people know the values now anyways...
IGN: darkelixir
agreed, that's some stupid shit right there.

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