
I just bought a bottle of coke zero from a convenience store in a subway station. After I'm done half of the bottle I realized the faint smell that's been assaulting my noise reminds me strongly of women's, ahem, spot of femininity. I could only come up with one reason why it does so and would rather not elaborate. So, despite me feeling very thirsty and in need of finishing my fluid dynamics assignment in the next 5 hours with nothing but this bottle for sustenance, should I:

1. throw it away

2. drink it


3. throw it away and go puke?

....other people can smell when a woman is on her period? o.O I keep being told that nobody around me can smell it and it's only me/the one on the period at the time.
It's not the smell of a woman's menstrual cycle. It's more like the smell of the discharge, which means the bottle has been used as....

At least that's my guess. :S
Ew. get rid of it and get some water. Water is always good. Don't need to get filtered unless you're worried about it. Just find a hose or something and drink!
If you're feeling brave at them moment, pour it into a cup and drink anyway without the bottle. (I do not agree with doing this)

Otherwise, i vote toss it.
I <3 Dokeyn
Yeah I'm probably going to go drink from a faucet, or at least rinse my mouth. While I'm no saint some people really do derive pleasure from doing sick things. I could just picture this woman staring at the security camera footage and smiling to herself with me being the bum on the screen.

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