Help Me Craft Please; 6 link ilvl 74 Reaver Sword

OK so i just bought this 6 link Reaver Sword with two ex that I borrowed from a friend. I need to craft a GG high phys cycloner sword. My current sword is 182 - 425 phys dps (20 quality). It has 133% phys, + 20 - 46 phys, and finally 22% attack speed. It also has 246 accuracy which is nice, but not necessary. I can craft range on it later (the finaly mod that i put onto it). I know practically nothing about crafting, but I intend on alting it, the augmenting, then regaling. I would like to know, what of the %phys, +# to phys, and attack speed% are hardest to craft. Also, any other tips for crafting the sword would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
I hope you have a couple 1000 alteration orbs and a couple stacks of regals and scouring orbs?

The order in which you do it doesn't really matter, you need to hit the three affixes within the alt/aug/regal, they cannot be replaced by mastercraft.
(unless you hit tier 1 hybrid damage, then you could add one stat via master and still have good dps on your sword)

You can force flat physical damage via repeating the granite flask recipe up to "Flaring" (tier 2?), if so desired.
But still, you'll need to hit high tier as and %damage on your aug/regal.

3.5 build:
Peterlerock wrote:
I hope you have a couple 1000 alteration orbs and a couple stacks of regals and scouring orbs?

The order in which you do it doesn't really matter, you need to hit the three affixes within the alt/aug/regal, they cannot be replaced by mastercraft.
(unless you hit tier 1 hybrid damage, then you could add one stat via master and still have good dps on your sword)

You can force flat physical damage via repeating the granite flask recipe up to "Flaring" (tier 2?), if so desired.
But still, you'll need to hit high tier as and %damage on your aug/regal.

OK so what is hybrid damage? Just the % phys and # phys paired together on a magic item? And thanks this helps alot. :)
hybrid damage is a roll, which consists of bothe %phys dmg and accuracy
Since poe.db(rip you will be missed) is down i dont know any site that have approx % of different rolls.
Since sword is only ilvl 74 you cant get flaring t1 flat phys or t1 hybrid/ipd rolls. this makes crafting true GG weapon impossible and crafting really good sword much harder. You can check different mods here as general rule hitting high ipd/hyprid is much harder than hitting high flat phys. Things you should regal are high ipd/hyprid and flat phys dmg rolls. If you hit good prefix without other mod just regal it dont use augments. Thing you should always aug are higher inc crit and atk speed than master crafted.
ok so i'm doing the granite flask recipe right now trying to get the good flat phys roll. Does anyone know how many times you can do it, and if it keeps the sockets/links? Logically it should but this is my first ever six link so i don't wanna assume and lose it. (the sockets don't show sockets/links when they give you the item back with the flat phys mod). TY again guys.
nekomancer117 wrote:
ok so i'm doing the granite flask recipe right now trying to get the good flat phys roll. Does anyone know how many times you can do it, and if it keeps the sockets/links? Logically it should but this is my first ever six link so i don't wanna assume and lose it. (the sockets don't show sockets/links when they give you the item back with the flat phys mod). TY again guys.

The recipe shows you the result before you click "trade".
So you can check if you want to do it or not.
But yes, it keeps the links.

About hybrid roll:

Here you see a sword that is still super good, even if hit had to get the %damage roll via mastercraft, because it has a high hybrid roll (%damage+accuracy) and all other rolls are great.

Do the granite recipe until your sword is named "flaring", then aug it for attackspeed.
No attackspeed, scour it (or regal it and hope for %damage, but imho thats a wasted regal).

Then you start again, over and over.
So you'll need a crazy amount of granite flasks.
Maybe you prefer to alteration orb it. ;)
3.5 build:
Can you get flaring from granite recipe?
And if you can. Can you do it for under ilvl 77 weapon?
Sry, wrong name. Whats tier 2 flat again?
3.5 build:

I feel like u hit t3 or t4 with an alt then move it up a couple of tiers as far as it will go, i wouldnt waste flasks taking up 5 tiers or whatever each time.

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