For those that pay attention to US politics or aqua teen hunger force ..

If you are entertained by US politics and/or hunger for some some new aqua teen hunger force Master Shake material, you might enjoy these videos.

Link to two such videos below.


Last edited by coatofarms on Sep 6, 2015, 12:56:35 PM
>universal healthcare is literally Stalinism

Only in Murica. Also can't stump the Trump.


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Honest quetion. Are really people in the US that think like that? - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Meh, the problem is not white old dudes per se, it's bought people and morons. And gerrymandering. That correlates well with white old dudes, but correlation doesn't imply causation.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Poutsos wrote:
Honest quetion. Are really people in the US that think like that?

Think you missed a 'there' there, champ.

And of course there are. Millions upon millions of people, bound to be a few nutjobs with keyboards. Don't pretend that's somehow limited to the US.

Xav's image is the scary bit. Clearly more than a few there. Seems the US still feels it's time for a moneyed old white dude to 'serve' as their ultimate representative to the world...

Sure there are, and they are not limited to the US. I guess my quetion was more like, does an extensive portion of the population think like that? Because i do follow the poitical situation over there abit, and it seems like it does, but you know how the media is, so the picture i get over here could be quite misleading.

Other than that it seems like the GoP is loosing it. It seems to be moving more and more towards the far right, not only in economic policies, but also on social issues, which is the most worrying thing. They project alot of far right-bordeline fascist in case of Trump- ideas, masked under the "personal freedom" label.

I find it funny how the republicans are raving all the time, how it is their CONSTITUNTIONAL right to bear arms, and reminds me how the southerns(who i consider the predecessors of modern day republicans) in the American civil war, were raving how it was their constitutional right to own slaves. I think you can draw a direct line between that kind of thinking to this. Even though the issue of guns is abit ambivalent, since Democrat seem to love them too, just not as much :P - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
I don't see the right to bear arms as a problem. Switzerland is a country of "gun nuts" too and their murder rate is one of the lowest in the world. The problem lies elsewhere but it might be politically incorrect to name it :x
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The following statement is in no way reflective of my personal political or religious views.

What you have to remember is that America is still a country founded on Puritanical ideals (google Puritans if you are from outside the US). Thus a strong judgmental and conservative thread runs through the collective subconscious of this country, whether we admit it or not. Even out most open-minded and liberal citizens cannot really compare to the average citizen of say, Europe or Japan (Britain is an exception).

In addition, US citizens are fed up with the way this country is going, especially when it comes to the job market. And yes, a large percentage of jobs are taken by Illegal Immigrants (most citizens, myself included, have nothing against LEGAL Immigrants). And companies will give them jobs because they are willing to work for less than the Federal Minimum Wage. It's no wonder that out Unemployment Rate has been so high for so long.

Of course, there are numerous other issues wrong with our country. That is obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together. The problem is, all of our current politicians are very well versed is what I like to call "Execu-speak". That is, they say a whole lot while not saying anything at all, with no details and comitting to nothing. (Even though I like Obama, he is just a guilty of this).

In comes Donald Trump. This is a man that does not hold things back. He's blunt, and he tells you exactly what he thinks is wrong and exactly what he's going to do about it. And he is passionate about it. You can tell that he is serious.

Is he the best thing for the US. I don't know. What i do know is that the people are sick of the stagnant, downhill slide that we have been on for the better part of a Century, and at this point any change is better than no page. That is why, regardless of what you may think of him, he will for sure get the Republican nomination, and has a very good shot of winning the whole thing.

Not because of his political views, but because he is decisive, and has a track record of being so.

Seems the US still feels it's time for a moneyed old white dude to 'serve' as their ultimate representative to the world...

Should muricans focus on choosing a pres based on skin color or poverty level? Perhaps both are equally important in your view?

MoonfireArt wrote:
The following statement is in no way reflective of my personal political or religious views.

It is dissapointing you feel the need to dissasociate with a topic you are clearly interested in. Freedom of speech used to be valued for more than just porn.
Last edited by BackwoodsS on Sep 3, 2015, 11:21:43 AM
It is dissapointing you feel the need to dissasociate with a topic you are clearly interested in. Freedom of speech used to be valued for more than just porn.

Yes, I totally agree. However, this is the internet. So, yeah, disclaimer for sure. Why?

I used to run a blog where i attempted to discuss modern issues from both a philosophy and scientific perspective. I did not bring religion, faith, or personal belief into it. Just tried to analyze things as scientifically and logically as possible.

I got shouted down from the rooftops by this group, that group, anyone who did not agree with what i had to say, and could not logically refute it. That alone would not have been so bad, but the people who agreed with me tended not to post their comments publicly. The vast majority of people are cowards at heart who will not take a stand for things in the face of anger.

So I use disclaimers in the attempt to not alienate the people who might read my words, in the hopes that they might actually listen to what i have to say before they reject it out of hand. Or, at least, not try to cause me physical harm again (One of my blog arguments got a certain group so mad that they actually tracked me down and confronted me at work, and then tried to escalate it to violence)

Hence, disclaimer.

I am not a Republican. I'm a Libertarian, personally (Fiscal conservative, social Liberal). However, i will be voting for Trump this election. At this point, anything is better than the status quo.

I empathize with the guy. He's just as sick of the BS in this country as i am.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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