whys everyone foaming at their mouths from this revelation?

The fact that many people are so butthurt about this revelation is hilarious. Yeah sure, the economy in temporary league is so screw up but that's exactly what it is - supply and demand. Since exalts are being used quicker than they are found, of course its price would go up tremendously compare to chaos', which has an infinite supply due to countless players using the vendor receipes. People just didn't know why the ex:chaos is so outrageous until today.

A small group of players is smart enough to figure all this out. They deserve to have 72 mirrors. This is an economic-driven game, as the developers clearly intended to design it this way. Anything goes in the free market just like in the real world, as long as you don't break the in-game ToS.

Knowledge is power. This is capitalism at its finest.
IGN: Kills_La_Killz (Standard)
IGN: UnlimitedBladeWork (Warband)
Last edited by 07Ghost on Aug 20, 2015, 10:31:04 PM
07Ghost wrote:
The fact that many people are so butthurt about this revelation is hilarious. Yeah sure, the economy in temporary league is so screw up but that's exactly what it is - supply and demand. Since exalts are being used quicker than they are found, of course its price would go up tremendously compare to chaos'. which has an infinite supply due to countless players using the vendor receipes. People just didn't know why the ex:chaos is so outrageous until today.

A small group of players is smart enough to figure all this out. They deserve to have 72 mirrors. This is an economic-driven game, as the developers clearly intended to design it this way. Anything goes in the free market just like in the real world, as long as you don't break the in-game ToS.

Knowledge is power. This is capitalism at its finest.

Yep, and insider trading is illegal most of the time. But hey, its cool. Might as well do whatever it takes to get ahead. [Removed by Support] I mean, some people get a come up off a post from a dev, who then lets them run with it and screw people over for a long time, but hey those guys are smart ppl.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Arthur_GGG on Aug 20, 2015, 10:28:57 PM
Destructodave wrote:

Yep, and insider trading is illegal most of the time. But hey, its cool. Might as well do whatever it takes to get ahead. [Removed by Support] I mean, some people get a come up off a post from a dev, who then lets them run with it and screw people over for a long time, but hey those guys are smart ppl.

[Removed by Support]

Where's the inside trading? Qarl's post? Do you realize just how much everyone is viewing this as 20/20 hindsight? Just put yourself a year ago when he posted that:

- ventor says scours remove everything
- qarl comes along and says this is incorrect
- you then see qarl delete his post
- your reaction: ???

Just fill in the blank there. Do you really think you would've tried to scour that meta mod? I wouldn't. You know why? Because I have NO idea why qarl deleted his post. Not everyone at GGG knows everything about the game like the back of their hands. This should be obvious. I don't expect you to know literally everything at your job's company now do I? Add on top of this about a billion other possible reason why qarl could've deleted his post - keeping it a "secret' is one of that many.

To me, this drama isn't anything different from the guy who made +3 bows: the guys made a risk and they discovered things.
Destructodave wrote:

Yep, and insider trading is illegal most of the time. But hey, its cool. Might as well do whatever it takes to get ahead. [Removed by Support] I mean, some people get a come up off a post from a dev, who then lets them run with it and screw people over for a long time, but hey those guys are smart ppl.

[Removed by Support]

If you're referring to Qarl's reddit comment got deleted, there's no way to prove that they are associated. So your inside trading analogy doesn't really work here. He may have made a mistep, but then community took it what it was and believed to this one guy tried to cover up his secrets to great wealth.

Sure, you can blame the guy for trying to mislead the community so he could have a control on the high end market, but that's exactly like what the real world is. If everyone knows the method, where's the money to be made?
IGN: Kills_La_Killz (Standard)
IGN: UnlimitedBladeWork (Warband)
Last edited by 07Ghost on Aug 20, 2015, 10:33:43 PM
Chris already mentioned that Qarl has no idea what he's saying (as usual) there on this post that got deleted. Why the fuck is everyone being butthurt about then? Group of players discovered something, profit massively enough to mess up an economy, uhmm.. Next step, people adapt and move on with their lives..? Oh no wait, get all the angry poor people rallied and make some conspiracy theories on a video game! Yeah, I think that's it.
"Get rich or die grinding"

Lvl 100 Ascendant - RadioactiveSago: HIGHEST KB tooltiplordz in all of PoE (view-thread/1636451)
Lvl 100 Assassin - Chonkeyy: Omnislasher 2 mil DPS Flicker Build (view-thread/1571744)
Destructodave wrote:

Yep, and insider trading is illegal most of the time. But hey, its cool. Might as well do whatever it takes to get ahead.
insider trading is illegal only in a regulated economy

in a non-regulated economy such as poe, anything really is a fair one. its ruthless and its cutthroat. it's capitalism the way marx would never want you to see it. only the strong survive.


I am telling you that Dodson, of the firm of Dodson & Decker, Wall Street brokers, opened his eyes. Peabody, the confidential clerk, was standing by his chair, hesitating to speak. There was a confused hum of wheels below, and the sedative buzz of an electric fan.

"Ahem! Peabody," said Dodson, blinking. "I must have fallen asleep. I had a most remarkable dream. What is it, Peabody?"

"Mr. Williams, sir, of Tracy & Williams, is outside. He has come to settle his deal in X. Y. Z. The market caught him short, sir, if you remember."

"Yes, I remember. What is X. Y. Z. quoted at to-day, Peabody?"

"One eighty-five, sir."

"Then that's his price."

"Excuse me," said Peabody, rather nervously "for speaking of it, but I've been talking to Williams. He's an old friend of yours, Mr. Dodson, and you practically have a corner in X. Y. Z. I thought you might -- that is, I thought you might not remember that he sold you the stock at 98. If he settles at the market price it will take every cent he has in the world and his home too to deliver the shares."

The expression on Dodson's face changed in an instant to one of cold ferocity mingled with inexorable cupidity. The soul of the man showed itself for a moment like an evil face in the window of a reputable house.

"He will settle at one eighty-five," said Dodson. "Bolivar cannot carry double."
I don't understand the issue. Some people were smart enough to figure out how to craft more efficiently, most weren't. Why are the dumber people entitled to what the smarter people figured out? Same story with rich people in the real world.
IGN Sikler
sindronian wrote:
I don't understand the issue. Some people were smart enough to figure out how to craft more efficiently, most weren't. Why are the dumber people entitled to what the smarter people figured out? Same story with rich people in the real world.

Path of Spoonfeeding

Honestly since the patch has been nothing except for that from the majority of the community. A lot of my favorite build threads are no longer discussion, just drooling desperation for skill trees. Hell, I saw a post where a user couldn't figure out why the build creator didn't take Int Nodes on his Ranger like in 1.3, and couldn't find them on his skill tree.

Post is a little dark but it's the truth.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
grepman wrote:
insider trading is illegal only in a regulated economy

in a non-regulated economy such as poe, anything really is a fair one. its ruthless and its cutthroat. it's capitalism the way marx would never want you to see it. only the strong survive.

PoE is regulated. RMT is not allowed. And RMT is ruthless, cutthroat, capitalism at it's finest.

PoE socialist economy confirmed ;)

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

People finally have someone to blame for the stupid exalt to chaos ratios that have ruined the mid tier player like myself. I spent two weeks farming a soul taker in torment. Fat chance of that happening in Warbands.
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator

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