PoEPricer - Know which rares to sell (Updated 1.01)

First off, this is the second time I post this, as the first thread got taken down.
However after talking to support and explaining them what this actually does, they said I could
post this again.
Thanks again for being awesome guys!


Bottom line of my mail

So here is my wrapup of the program:
The intention is to be able to quickly determine which rares you keep and which you sell on poe.trade.
For this you have to set up a filter, that specifies whatever is wanted on an item.
(E.g. Total Resistances > 50)

The way it works:
(Before actual use)
You create a filter-file, where you specify all things you want in an item.
The cool thing about it is, that it allows for arithmetic.
Your filter could say: Condition $TotalLife$ + $TotalResistances$ - $LvlReq$ >= 95 && $IsJewellery$

(On actual use)
If the player hovers over an item and presses ctrl+d, it instead sends ctrl+c.
The itemdata now is in the clipboard.
It parses the itemdata from the clipboard.
It checks whether your item matches any of your previously set up conditions.
If yes, it warns the player, if no it sends a doubleclick. (More on both just below.)

About warning the player: Currently it writes him a chatmessage - see screen.png.
If this is deemed a problem, I could change it to play a soundmessage completely independent
of your client of course - or anything acceptable for you.

About doubleclick: The intention is, that if a trade window is already open, this places it in
the trade window. (As ctrl is already clicked by the player.) Otherwise doubleclick does nothing.
Should this doubleclick be considered automation, I could of course remove it entirely from the program.

Why I do not think it is forbidden/bannable:
The program doesn't modify the client at all.
It only ever reads from the clipboard. And why would you have implemented
copypasting items to the keyboard if not for such uses?

The part with the doubleclick: This is a non-combat situation. It only saves the player
the time to click on it afterwards himself if the item wasn't good. Still I can remove the
feature if deemed necessary.



Hi there,

Thank you for your patience in this matter and for clarifying this for us.
If the program is simply reading from the clipboard then this should be
okay to use. You are free to post this onto the forums again if you wished

Please let us know if there is anything else we might be able to help with.


I didn't lie to them in any of my explanation, therefore I conclude that it should be safe to use this program.
To be sure you could always keep an eye open for this thread in case they change their policy one day.

View a nicer formatted version here.


I've taken good use on my free time and improoved the tool by quite a bit.

- Tool is now aware of affixes on an item (With the exception of jewels toug)
You can go HasAffix "Merciless" to test if item is guaranteed to have that affix.
CouldHaveAffix "Merciless" to test whether it is possible that the item might have the affix.
Additionally you can use MinPrefixes, MaxPrefixes, MinSuffixes, MaxSuffixes for the minimum/maximum count of prefixes/suffixes.
Why do we need HasAffix and CouldHaveAffix as well as a minimum and maximum?
Consider a rare with 15% Spelldamage, +15 mana. It could either be the "Wizard's" Prefix or both "Aprrentice's" and "Beryl".
Most of the time only one solution is possible, but not always.
If it is possible to find only one correct solution, the program is guaranteed to only present that one.

- Vastly improoved the default.filter. It should now be much more helpful in detecting good stuff without any work on your part setting sth. up.

- Added a new function GetMaximum (e.g. (1 GetMaximum 2) would return 2 - usefull, because e.g. on a staff with %Colddamage and %Firedamage you might want to only look at the higher value of both.)

- You can now disable the automatic doubleclick on parsed items, so you can go through your old stash without placing stuff in your inventory. Check out options menu where the filter-selection is.

- You can set the program to launch PoE when it is started. This way you dont have to start them both seperately. If it started PoE this way, the program will close, once PoE closes.
Disabled by default, enable to your liking.

- Messages are now send to "@# ", to prevent spamming local chat. If you want to send them somewhere else, you can change it in the options.txt file tough.

- Tool is now aware of all Vaal Orb implicits

- PoE recently renamed the "Spike Shield" to "Spiked Shield". Tool is now aware of the new name

Find the new download here.
Source Code.

So what is this?

When farming a lot of rares, carefully looking through all of them to find valuables takes up lots of time. Plus you might miss some interesting combinations.
PoEPricer is able to instantly tell you, which items are interesting.

There is already a pricing tool available here. So what is the deal?
The Exiletools looks up similar rares on poe.trade and gives an estimate based on this.
Great for uniques, but for rares, often doesn't find similar enough items and if it does, pool might be too small for a reliable estimate of the price.
PoEPricer takes a different approach: You specify beforehead what you value in an item.
This makes it more work setting it up, but can give more reliable results.

How does it work?

You set up a filter.
For this you can use all information an item would give you when hovering over it and pressing ctrl+c.
Show possible modifiers

From implicit/explicit mods

//*** STATS ***
AddedLife +# to maximum Life
AddedMana +# to maximum Mana
AddedAllAttributes +# to all Attributes
AddedDexterity +# to Dexterity
AddedStrength +# to Strength
AddedIntelligence +# to Intelligence
AddedStrengthIntelligence +# to Strength and Intelligence
AddedStrengthDexterity +# to Strength and Dexterity
AddedDexterityIntelligence +# to Dexterity and Intelligence

IncreasedLife #% increased maximum Life
IncreasedMana #% increased maximum Mana

//*** DAMAGE ***

//Added Base Damage
AddedMinColdDamage Adds #-? Cold Damage
AddedMaxColdDamage Adds ?-# Cold Damage
AddedMinColdSpellDamage Adds #-? Cold Damage to Spells
AddedMaxColdSpellDamage Adds ?-# Cold Damage to Spells
AddedMinColdAttackDamage Adds #-? Cold Damage to Attacks
AddedMaxColdAttackDamage Adds ?-# Cold Damage to Attacks
AddedMinFireDamage Adds #-? Fire Damage
AddedMaxFireDamage Adds ?-# Fire Damage
AddedMinFireSpellDamage Adds #-? Fire Damage to Spells
AddedMaxFireSpellDamage Adds ?-# Fire Damage to Spells
AddedMinFireAttackDamage Adds #-? Fire Damage to Attacks
AddedMaxFireAttackDamage Adds ?-# Fire Damage to Attacks
AddedMinBowFireAttackDamage Adds #-? Fire Damage to Attacks with Bows
AddedMaxBowFireAttackDamage Adds ?-# Fire Damage to Attacks with Bows
AddedMinLightningDamage Adds #-? Lightning Damage
AddedMaxLightningDamage Adds ?-# Lightning Damage
AddedMinLightningSpellDamage Adds #-? Lightning Damage to Spells
AddedMaxLightningSpellDamage Adds ?-# Lightning Damage to Spells
AddedMinLightningAttackDamage Adds #-? Lightning Damage to Attacks
AddedMaxLightningAttackDamage Adds ?-# Lightning Damage to Attacks
AddedMinChaosDamage Adds #-? Chaos Damage
AddedMaxChaosDamage Adds ?-# Chaos Damage
AddedMinChaosSpellDamage Adds #-? Chaos Damage to Spells
AddedMaxChaosSpellDamage Adds ?-# Chaos Damage to Spells
AddedMinChaosAttackDamage Adds #-? Chaos Damage to Attacks
AddedMaxChaosAttackDamage Adds ?-# Chaos Damage to Attacks
AddedMinPhysicalDamage Adds #-? Physical Damage
AddedMaxPhysicalDamage Adds ?-# Physical Damage
AddedMinPhysicalAttackDamage Adds #-? Physical Damage to Attacks
AddedMaxPhysicalAttackDamage Adds ?-# Physical Damage to Attacks
AddedMinBowPhysicalAttackDamage Adds #-? Physical Damage to Attacks with Bows
AddedMaxBowPhysicalAttackDamage Adds ?-# Physical Damage to Attacks with Bows

//Increased Base Damage
IncreasedDamage #% increased Damage
IncreasedTrapDamage #% increased Trap Damage
IncreasedAreaDamage #% increased Area Damage
IncreasedMeleeDamage #% increased Melee Damage
IncreasedTotemDamage #% increased Totem Damage
IncreasedMineDamage #% increased Mine Damage
IncreasedDamageOverTime #% increased Damage over Time
IncreasedProjectileDamage #% increased Projectile Damage
IncreasedChaosDamage #% increased Chaos Damage
IncreasedColdDamage #% increased Cold Damage
IncreasedFireDamage #% increased Fire Damage
IncreasedLightningDamage #% increased Lightning Damage
IncreasedElementalDamage #% increased Elemental Damage
IncreasedWeaponElementalDamage #% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
IncreasedSpellDamage #% increased Spell Damage
IncreasedShieldSpellDamage #% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield
IncreasedDualWieldSpellDamage #% increased Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
IncreasedStaffSpellDamage #% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Staff
IncreasedPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage
IncreasedMacePhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Maces
IncreasedTwoHandedMeleePhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedWandPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Wands
IncreasedBowPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Bows
IncreasedShieldPhysicalDamage #% increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield
IncreasedDualWieldPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding
IncreasedStaffPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Staves
IncreasedOneHandedMeleePhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedDaggerPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Daggers
IncreasedSwordPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Swords
IncreasedAxePhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Axes
IncreasedClawPhysicalDamage #% increased Physical Damage with Claws


IncreasedGlobalCritChance #% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
IncreasedLocalCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance
IncreasedSpellCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
IncreasedElementalCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skills
IncreasedColdCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skills
IncreasedFireCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skills
IncreasedLightningCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with Lightning Skills
IncreasedMeleeCritChance #% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance
IncreasedOneHandedMeleeCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with One Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedTwoHandedMeleeCritChance #% increased Critical Strike Chance with Two Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedDualWieldCritChance #% increased Weapon Critical Strike Chance while Dual Wielding

IncreasedGlobalCritMultiplier #% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
IncreasedSpellCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells
IncreasedElementalCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
IncreasedColdCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills
IncreasedFireCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills
IncreasedLightningCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills
IncreasedMeleeCritMultiplier #% increased Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
IncreasedOneHandedMeleeCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with One Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedDualWieldCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier while Dual Wielding
IncreasedTwoHandedMeleeCritMultiplier #% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Two Handed Melee Weapons

AddedAccuracy +# to Accuracy Rating
IncreasedAccuracy #% increased Accuracy Rating

//*** SPEED ***
IncreasedProjectileSpeed #% increased Projectile Speed
IncreasedMineLayingSpeed #% increased Mine Laying Speed
IncreasedTrapThrowingSpeed #% increased Trap Throwing Speed
IncreasedMovementSpeed #% increased Movement Speed
IncreasedAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed
IncreasedOneHandedMeleeAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedMaceAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Maces
IncreasedStaffAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Staves
IncreasedShieldAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
IncreasedAxeAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Axes
IncreasedSwordAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Swords
IncreasedDaggerAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Daggers
IncreasedDualWieldAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
IncreasedWandAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Wands
IncreasedClawAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Claws
IncreasedBowAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Bows
IncreasedTwoHandedMeleeAttackSpeed #% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons
IncreasedAttackCastSpeed #% increased Attack and Cast Speed
IncreasedCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed
IncreasedFireCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed with Fire Skills
IncreasedColdCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
IncreasedLightningCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
IncreasedDualWieldCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed while Dual Wielding
IncreasedStaffCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed while wielding a Staff
IncreasedShieldCastSpeed #% increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield
IncreasedProjectileCastSpeed #% increased Projectile Speed

//*** DEFENSE ***
//Regular Defense
AddedArmour +# to Armour
AddedEnergyShield +# to maximum Energy Shield
AddedEvasion +# to Evasion Rating
IncreasedArmour #% increased Armour
IncreasedEnergyShield #% increased Energy Shield
IncreasedEvasion #% increased Evasion Rating
IncreasedArmourEnergyShield #% increased Armour and Energy Shield
IncreasedArmourEvasion #% increased Armour and Evasion
IncreasedEvasionEnergyShield #% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
IncreasedArmourEvasionEnergyShield #% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
BaseBlockChance #% Chance to Block
AddedBlockChanceOne #% additional Block Chance
AddedBlockChanceTwo +#% Chance to Block
AddedStaffBlockChance #% additional Chance to Block with Staves
AddedDualWieldBlockChance #% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding
AddedShieldBlockChance #% additional Chance to Block with Shields
AddedDualWiedSpellBlockChance #% additional Chance to Block Spells while Dual Wielding
AddedStaffSpellBlockChance #% additional Chance to Block Spells with Staves
AddedShieldSpellBlockChance #% additional Chance to Block Spells with Shields
AttackDodge #% chance to Dodge Attacks

ColdResistance +#% to Cold Resistance
FireResistance +#% to Fire Resistance
LightningResistance +#% to Lightning Resistance
ChaosResistance +#% to Chaos Resistance
ElementalResistances +#% to all Elemental Resistances
FireLightningResistances +#% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
FireColdResistances +#% to Fire and Cold Resistances
ColdLightningResistances +#% to Cold and Lightning Resistances

//*** RECOVERY ***
//Ailment Recovery
IncreasedBlockStunRecovery #% increased Block and Stun Recovery
IncreasedStunRecovery #% increased Stun Recovery
IncreasedBlockRecovery #% increased Block Recovery

IncreasedEnergyShieldRechargeRate #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
//Life Recovery
PhysicalAttackLifeLeech #% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
LifePerYourAttackHit +# Life gained for each enemy hit by your Attacks
LifePerAttackHit +# Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks
LifePerKill +# Life gained on Kill
LifePerSecond # Life Regenerated per second
//Mana Recovery
PhysicalAttackManaLeech #% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
ManaPerKill +# Mana Gained on Kill
ManaPerYourAttackHit # Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
IncreasedManaRegeneration #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
//ES Recovery
EnergyShieldPerKill # Energy Shield gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
FasterEnergyShieldRecovery #% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge


IncreasedTotemLife #% increased Totem Life
IncreasedMinionDamage Minions deal #% increased Damage
IncreasedMinionLife Minions have #% increased maximum Life
IncreasedMinionResistances Minions have #% to all Elemental Resistances
IncreasedTotemResistances Totems gain #% to all Elemental Resistances
IncreasedMinionBlockChance Minions have #% Chance to Block

//*** SOCKETS/GEMS ***

AddedSocket Has # Socket
AddedGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Gems
AddedMeleeGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
AddedBowGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Bow Gems
AddedColdGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Cold Gems
AddedFireGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
AddedLightningGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems
AddedMinionGemLevel +# to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
AddedSupportGemQuality +#% to Quality of Support Gems in this item

//*** OTHER ***

IncreasedEnemyStunDuration #% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
ReducedEnemyStunThreshold #% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
IncreasedIgniteChance #% chance to Ignite
IncreasedShockChance #% chance to Shock
IncreasedFreezeChance #% chance to Freeze
IncreasedFlaskLifeRecoveryRate #% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
IncreasedFlaskManaRecoveryRate #% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
IncreasedFlaskChargesGained #% increased Flask Charges gained
ReducedFlaskChargesUsed #% reduced Flask Charges used
IncreasedFlaskDuration #% increased Flask effect duration
//Magic Find
IncreasedItemRarity #% increased Rarity of Items found
IncreasedItemQuantity #% increased Quantity of Items found
//No Category
PhysicalMeleeReflect Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
IncreasedLightRadius #% increased Light Radius
ReducedAttributeRequirements #% reduced Attribute Requirements
IncreasedAoE #% increased Radius of Area Skills
IncreasedKnockbackChance #% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
ReducedManaCost #% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
ArrowPierceChance #% chance of Arrows Piercing
ElementalResistancesPenetration Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances

Other information

GetMaximum E.g. (1 GetMaximum 2) would return 2
HasAffix Item is guaranteed to have that affix
CouldHaveAffix It is possible the item has that affix
Rarity (Normal|Magic|Rare|Unique)
Name The name of the item (e.g. "Lightning Coil")
Class (Claw|Dagger|Gloves|Boots|...)
BaseType (Iron Greaves|Wool Shoes|Rawhide Boots)
MinPrefixes Item is guaranteed to have no less than this many prefixes
MaxPrefixes Item is guaranteed to have no more than this many prefixes
LvlReq Required level to equip item
StrReq Required strength
IntReq Required intelligence
DexReq Required dexterity
MinPhysicalDamage Total min. phys Damage (Only for weapons)
MaxPhysicalDamage Total max. phys Damage (Only for weapons)
MinElementalDamage Total min. ele Damage (Only for weapons)
MaxElementalDamage Total max. ele Damage (Only for weapons)
APS Total attacks per second (Only for weapons)
//Item Level
ItemLevel float64
//Flavour Text
FlavourText string

It may look like this:
Show example
#Lines starting with '#' are comments
#With the Function tag you can create your own helpers.
#Format is: Function $FunctionName$ Function
#Note, that the function name has to be enclosed in $'s.

Function $EDPS$ APS*(MinElementalDamage + MaxElementalDamage)/2

#After all functions have been declared, you can declare conditions.
#Each condition must be followed by a warn. This warn is displayed, when the condition is met.
#Conditions are checked from top to bottom. First to match gets its warning displayed.

Condition $LvlReq$ > 25 && $EDPS$ > 7.5*$LvlReq$ - 100 && $IsOneHandedWeapon$
Warn Nice EDPS on that One-Hander

Condition $TotalLife$ + $TotalResistances$ - LvlReq >= 70
Warn Nice Life and Resistances for it's level.

As you can see it allows for arithmetic.
So the condition "$TotalLife$ + $TotalResistances$ - LvlReq >= 70" would trigger on all items, where the sum of + Max Life and + Resistances - Level required to equip item is greater or equal to 70.
You can add more subconditions with "&&" (=and) or "||" (=or).
So you could add to the above condition, that the item has to be a boot or sth.

Show allowed operators

&& Logical and - condition to left and right have to be true
|| Logical or
+,-,*,/ The standard math operators
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != less, less than, greater, greater than, equal, not equal
! NOT operator (e.g. !(Class == "Boots") for all that is not boots

How does it look?

Program sits in your taskbar.
All files in its folder ending with ".filter" are shown in the filter list.
So you can have a filter-file for standard, one for tempest, one for racing, etc.
Ingame you mouse over an item and press ctrl+d.
If a filter matches, it puts out your warning as a text-message:
Show Preview

How to get started

Download the executable OR Download the source code. (In Golang, paired with cgo.)
Open the file "default.filter" with a text editor and edit it to your liking.
Of course you can simply keep the default values, too.
(By now it is set to warn you on items that are moderately good in the tempest league. I am no trader tough, so you might really want to change it. If anyone comes up with a better filter I will edit it in.)
Start the program.
In PoE, hover over an item and press ctrl+d.
Nifty little quality of life: The program remaps ctrl+d to a ctrl+doubleclick, therefore if you have a vendor-window open, it gets placed in there.
So after e.g. a Voll-Run, instead of ctrl+leftclick selling everything you can do ctrl+d and sell everything (except for those things it warns you about :) )
Last edited by Rayshan on Aug 26, 2015, 9:55:43 AM
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2016, 12:29:02 AM
Very cool, thanks. I'll be playing around with this tonight.

At first glance it looks like this may be fairly close to what I was asking for here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1372761
Its really useful, and surprisingly quick, I am enjoying it very much.
Have you considered making a simple GUI for it? to make it easier to change the values
And maybe even keep a log of all the valuable rares you got?

Anyway, really enjoying this. great work, and thank you very much.
Awesome tool and really easy to start up. Now I might actually start bothering with trying to sell rares!
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
I said in the deleted topic and I'll say it again. Rayshan, amazing job with this. I'm not a market expert, but I think I want to try to write my own script and possibly check other player's scripts.

I hope I can get some help here if I run into any problems.

Thanks again for sharing.
Filtro de Itens - https://br.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/190
xbar0s120x wrote:
Its really useful, and surprisingly quick.

Baseline testing I made, is that it should feel instantaneaous for ~ 1000-2000 conditions and fast for ~ 20.000-40.000, however this always depends on your machine.
Should filters one day be advanced enough for this to actually slow down I would consider adding branching to make it even faster, as speed really is what makes the workflow with this feel positive.

xbar0s120x wrote:

Have you considered making a simple GUI for it? to make it easier to change the values

To be honest, I have no idea how such a gui would even look.
The problem is, that everything in a filter is basically formulas and (at least for me) simply writing them down is the easiest way.

xbar0s120x wrote:

And maybe even keep a log of all the valuable rares you got?

Definitely thinking about that.
Not exactly sure how tough. Personally I want some way to remember which items sold and which didn't, to see which of my Conditions need rework.

Next thing I want to do however is smarten up the item-parser, so it can better differentiate between actual affixes and mods.
E.g. (Local Evasion Rating +%, Base Stun Recovery +%) is a single Prefix.
If the program would recognize this, you could do sth. like "If HasFreePreefix", to determine items you could still craft life / sth. valuable on.

Problem is, that those affixes aren't even non-ambiguous.
E.g. boots with 40% increased evasion rating and 13%stun recovery might either be "Wasp's Boots" (1 Prefix) or "Ghost's Boots of Thick Skin" (1 Prefix and 1 Suffix).
Sadly the info about an item we get by ctrl+copying it doesnt allow to distinguish those cases.

Heavykiller wrote:

I hope I can get some help here if I run into any problems.

Sure. Just post any issues you may have into this thread and I will do my best trying to help.
Last edited by Rayshan on Aug 19, 2015, 3:36:47 AM
Doesnt work with this belt

Koksii wrote:
Doesnt work with this belt

The program will work, you just need to set the filter the way you like it. As mentioned in the OP
Open the file "default.filter" with a text editor and edit it to your liking.
Of course you can simply keep the default values, too.
(By now it is set to warn you on items that are moderately good in the tempest league. I am no trader tough, so you might really want to change it. If anyone comes up with a better filter I will edit it in.)

I also had it not hit on some good items and hit on this piece that I don't see as a keeper
But I don't expect one person is going to get a perfect filter right out of the gate. It's going to take some tweaking and sharing to dial it all in and even then everybody will have their own preferences. Similar deal to the loot filter, right? All in all I'd call it a solid tool worth working with.

Thanks Rayshan!
I have two questions/suggestions:

1. Is there a way to instead of outputting the message to chat, opening a pop-up or something?
2. Is there a way to remove the double clicking? If I want to evaluate my stash, it keeps throwing my stuff around.

Besides that, the script is awesome! I would love to see it develop even further. You, sir, got a user/tester/follower or however you want to call it. xD
Filtro de Itens - https://br.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/190
Suggestion: Make a "currency-spam" mode where instead of double-clicking, you shift-click just like you do when you apply currency a bunch of times to one item. Then when the script catches something nice, it breaks the shift so that you don't overwrite it with the next use.

Would be useful for spamming chaos on items, as well as for five-linking.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo

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