Totem experts, I need help. EDITED, PLS CHECK AGAIN

Hi guys

Q1: So today I noticed that my shockwave totem's animation AOE is much bigger than the effect AOE. Mobs don't get hit even if the huge wave goes beyond the pack area. Is this a bug or should I give some feedback to GGG about maybe tweaking the skill's animation to have a less deceptive effect?

Q2: Totems have a range which determines how far it sees. If it cannot see, it cannot kill. So my question is; after what % of increased area of effect will I exceed my totem's line of sight.

I don't want to stack too much AOE if my totem cannot react to anything beyond 100 range. (and wtf is 100 range? a screen? half a screen? few steps?)

Q3: Is there any smart way to generate Power Charges while having Ancestral Bond?
Last edited by gtrans on Jul 30, 2015, 12:37:39 PM
To Q1, many AoE skills still do not have the correct visual size. For the longest time, Ice Nova (now fixed) had a fixed size visual even though the AoE could vary wildly. I would leave a note in Art Feedback, but I wouldn't expect anything to come out of it.

To Q2, there is a concern here, but I feel like it's less of a concern than you think it is. Stacking AoE is never bad since one enemy triggering it can cause it to hit targets outside its "vision". Besides that, I'm actually not sure if it's possible to get that much AoE -- totem vision is quite high by default.

Totem vision used to be a variable stat, but now it's a fixed stat with a large value. I would experiment with using IncrAoE/ConcEffect alternately and comparing clear speeds, but overall I wouldn't stress out too much about it.
Thanks mate! Much appreciated. Although I couldn't care less about the animation thingy, Im glad that the AOE will never be as high as the totem's vision range.

Last edited by gtrans on Jul 30, 2015, 12:31:20 PM

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