Wastelands boss as melee

So I'm waiting any idea on how to beat the boss, so far what I see is that the boss goes down to whatever hp I can get him down, then summons skeletons and desecrated ground below himself and regenerates to 100% before moving out, really great.

If anyone knows a way to destroy the healing ground below him it'd be the best.
bumpity bump, anyone here who fought the boss non-ranged, or has the specific mechanics figured out behind the boss?
Shameless bump once again, at this point I'd like to see any build that has beat him (leave your build type here please) (like Ranged - TS, Spell - Ini, Melee - Dual strik)
Was wondering how to kill him myself. I'm a summoner and I can't get him below 80%. It seems to me that the regeneration has something to do with the desecrated ground but I can't tell my minions NOT to move in.

One of my map mods is desecrated ground, too, so maybe that regenerates him, too? I don't understand anything.. except that the boss doesn't want to die apparently :p

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