Option to turn off client chat logging?

Is there an option to turn that chat logging off?

My \Path of Exile\logs\client.txt is around 200mb. As PoE is disk intensive enough with <=4gb ram, please let us turn it off. Think about all the SSD users, wasting their write cycles like nothing!

And what's up with the 75xx files in \ShaderCache ? Oo
My suggestion would be to create a link or junction for the Client.txt file in order to put it somewhere else, even in a RAM drive.

The ShaderCache is used when you see any shaders on your screen, so they are a performance increase where you would normally see jitters for the skills and auras. The game comes with a lot of the combinations you normally see, but when there's something new, your GPU must generate the shaders, that is then saved for future use.

Which SSD has such limited writes that you worry about that though?

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