Question about shatter chuck

So I've been trying to decide what build to to when 2.0 hits, and I think I finally decided on a shatter chuck lite version.

My question is, is volls protector really mandatory? I see almost every shatter chuck build using it, but I don't see why it would be mandatory like they say it is. Although I understand it is the best choice because you don't need to use assassins mark or power charge on crit.

Is it possible to make the build without volls? Also, is it possible to make it work on a rare 5L, no tabula or volls?
I've run this up through lvl 85 using a 5L Queen of the Forest; a decent rare will do just as well. Getting it up to 6 did massively increase my damage, though; I might take a Tabula over an ok 5l rare. I also always went with assassin's mark as my charge generator without any trouble. It sometimes slows me down a bit and I can lose charges when my cwdt temporal chains overwrites it, but it works just fine.
Im really glad to hear that, I've been looking forward to doing this build, I love CoC builds and shatter chuck is the only one I haven't tried yet. I suck at making currency in new leagues, that's the reason why I was asking haha.

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