Updated league and playing a few games again..

I wonder how many new ways to insult a person I will learn today.
Ugh effort
People on that game connoisseurs of language.
What server do you play on?

My games mostly consist of finding out who the friendly people in the game are and then calling 'em sloots until we come to love each other ♥
Ugh effort
I'm over here on NA. Almost wonder which one is more toxic. I actually almost never play by myself because of the toxicity here and as such I'm still only a silverskrub even though I've been playing for ~6 years. That and I suck.
I've been playing every day for about a year since october 2013 and then stopped playing because of the euw server bullshit. (don't wanna go into this story..nightmare)

Now i just update the game and play for a while every now and then. Pretty easy to ignore the toxicity and make entertainment out of it after taking such big breaks from the damn game.
Ugh effort

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