Has anyone played Golden Sky Stories? If you are an avid tabletop roleplayer like myself (been playing every tuesday for 8 years with the same group) I would heavily suggest trying it out.
Shit. I just realized this might be advertisement.
Shit. I just realized this might be advertisement.

Nope, it's okay for you to talk about this kind of stuff. If you want to post to ask players for money or to sign up for something then it needs to be checked by the support team first.
I backed the kickstarter and have the books, but I haven't played yet. I'd like to run a game in it sometime, but I'm likely to be a player rather than GM in my next campaign, and if I go bac to running one after that I have other systems higher on my "to-try" list than GSS. Maybe one day, though.
Bex_GGG wrote:
Shit. I just realized this might be advertisement.

Nope, it's okay for you to talk about this kind of stuff. If you want to post to ask players for money or to sign up for something then it needs to be checked by the support team first.

Awesome, was a tad worried there. I didn't think it was but the clarification was very appreciated.

Mark_GGG wrote:
I backed the kickstarter and have the books, but I haven't played yet. I'd like to run a game in it sometime, but I'm likely to be a player rather than GM in my next campaign, and if I go bac to running one after that I have other systems higher on my "to-try" list than GSS. Maybe one day, though.

Our Dm backed it and I wasn't expecting to enjoy it. (I played the european mythos one as I really dont care about the japanese Mythos)
But it was actually very very enjoyable. if you have a consistent group of friends that you game with I heavily suggest trying it. The fact that you can create an enjoyable experience through just roleplay and not have to have an actual antagonist is pretty awesome and creates an excellent atmosphere. If I remember correctly he actually ran it at NebrasKon our local yearly anime/gaming convention.

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