New Unique Item: Heartbound Loop

Nice softcore suicide ring for rich players... I can see it now: 12 zombies, 13 skeletons active, 5 spectres, 36 vaal skeletons active, 4-5 raging spirits active, 1 animate guardian, and lets say 5-6 animate weapons up, plus 1 overpowered map boss with stupidly ridiculous AOE attacks against an average player who doesnt have all the maps freakin MEMORIZED like apparently you "NEED" to in order to be a "pro player," and push for lvl 100. Instant 26,950 physical damage to player when he 1shots the minions...............o_O......................? 10/10! 100/100! BEST GAME! BEST GAEM!!! POE BEST GAIME!!!1!!

And dont give me that shit about COD immortal call; summoners of ANY variety dont focus on building charges, and cant do so without compromising a vast majority of their support functionality, and sacrificing one of their armour slots for the stupid COD gems! >:(
Lagruell wrote:
Also, the original idea was shared damage with your minions (I tried!) and was deemed OP. It definitely was.

Thanks for writing this! Restores my faith. ^^

Did they explain why the feel a, let's say 20%, damage transfer would be "too OP"?
It's the way something like that is implemented that matters...

And looking at the outcome, do you feel ripped?

With GGGs mindset I actually doubt it can proc CWDT.
I at least wouldn't wonder if it didn't.
Last edited by Seelenernter on May 10, 2015, 8:45:32 AM
It's effectively cast on death for summoners when you pair things with CWDT.
Last edited by ihasmario on May 11, 2015, 3:55:44 AM
not really interesting
350phy dmg on minions death 8 zombie die from rogue exile ur being one shot .
Because it says u take 350dmg then u cannot mitigate the damage in any way . 30%+- mana regen lower tier for it on ring the only interesting thing is minions get an increased area of dmg ( +melee splash ) Yumm Yumm
minions life uhm not fair .
what else -.- there no life/es good ur summoner u need ES or hp
Ah yeye u have the stupid proximity shield spectre

id say i keep my rings .

Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens.
CI cast when stunned... Here I come!
IGN: PipeBender

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