Give us the CB Passive Tree Thread!

Post up, let Ggg hear us we want to get theorycrafting!
link1313 wrote:
Post up, let Ggg hear us we want to get theorycrafting!

No need to theocraft ( many things will still change )

u will be burned out soon any way * like the rest of us *

Sick and tired of watching others have fun sitting in a corner
@dragnar <<< ingame or pm me
They don't have it, they can't give it to you.
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
From what I've seen, it's likely that the tree they're using now in the CB is closer to the current live tree than it will be to what is actually in the game when 2.0 goes live. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
No reason to theorycraft something that will be changing many times in the coming months. Don't worry about ittttttttt!
we need more threads like this
or you know google it and see it allready from Reddit someone made?
**Iv said it once ill say it again if someone doesnt have a peice of gear that went legacy you _____________________________clearly didnt want to play the build at the time it was OP.**__________________
The passive tree didn't change much.It literally only put jewel sockets in and everything else hasn't changed yet.

Here is the screenshot
Hodari wrote:
From what I've seen, it's likely that the tree they're using now in the CB is closer to the current live tree than it will be to what is actually in the game when 2.0 goes live. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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