Auras and Heralds in 2.0

Snorkle_uk wrote:
well theres mind over matter that is a beautiful mechanic which encourages less aura use, gives you a reason to have at least a 60% auras worth of mana unreserved, and theyre currently trying to nerf it out of the game entirely because... well actually theres no good reason, because their understanding of their own game is questionable, so... ya.

you say complex problem, i dont think its a problem at all, I think its making a problem out of nothing through questionable logic just like a lot of the EB worries to be honest. Making no auras a viable, niche, fun thing like facebreakers, ya sure why not. But thats what it is, if facebreakers didnt exist claiming its a 'problem' that we all have to use weapons imo would be a silly way of looking at things. That doesnt mean you dont make facebreaks, theyre cool, but they dont fix a problem.

Yeah, maybe I just put it a bit off, auras are more of a symptom than a problem. The real problem is using an aura isn't really sacrificing anything. That part of your man pool is dead anyway, when you set up your char properly there's pretty much no difference between having 20% of your mana pool free and having 100%.

The real problem is iffy resource management, not auras.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Apr 25, 2015, 8:27:32 PM
thats fair play, personally I dont see it as a problem that auras arnt sacrificing anything in a lot of cases. Like youve got free mana, thats a result of being able to infinitely spam, once u can spam constantly then u cant have that and have a situation where u need more mana than 1 cast takes. Not having infinite spam would be horrible imo. So youre left with a situation where 80, 90% of your mana is unused and pointless. Well auras solve that 'problem' by giving you a way to customize your build using that resource that would otherwise be redundant. This is only an endgame thing, getting to the point where u sustain off a tiny slither of mana is not something u can do early or even mid game for most characters without significant power leveling gear only obtained at a point when leveling should be easy and youve got tons of twink uniques etc. So theres a reason for mana to be the way it is up to that point, the mana is always useful just in different ways as u progress.

Thats my take, not saying its the 'right' take or that there is a right take to have on these sort of issues. Like generally I feel like this on a lot of issues, theres so any times i see a thread and its like "X is a problem" followed by a lot of people theory crafting how to solve this problem, and I just dont see any problem at all. "X should have a down side"... well why? it seems like everything should have a downside purely on principal for a lot of people and most of the time I look at it and think well what would a downside bring? If its not making the game better then I dont see a need to change something, I dont really buy into principals that take priority over actually looking at the game and judging from there. For me its only a problem if in game theres a problem, it only needs changed if theres something better to change it too. Im generally against "this is problem because on principal I dont like it and I feel like we should try and find a way to change it that would get rid of it even though I dont actually have something particular in mind that gets rid of it and makes the game better". Im not saying all that is relevant to this discussion thats more a take on many previous threads over the years.

Like charan hates oskills, saw the oskills staff, was super against it. I have no opinion on oskills, I just looked at the staff and decided I didnt mind that particular use of an oskill. I dont like set items as a general idea, but if ggg released a set item group I would look at it and if I didnt have a problem with that particular item set then Id be fine with it. Like I said, thats just me Im not saying thats an inherently right way of viewing things, its not a criticism of charan or anyone in this thread.
Last edited by Snorkle_uk on Apr 26, 2015, 2:55:01 AM
True, but it may also be a legacy from D2, auras had no drawback besides occupying your right mouse button and auras from items or the one your merc came with didn't have even that one. On the other hand we have Sacred where permabuffs slow down your skill recovery or TQ where some of the more powerful ones also introduce an active mana drain besides reserving it. As a result you need to be more picky about which permabuffs to use and you can even go with none at all. In Sacred it's particularly well integrated, as levelling skills also pushes their recovery time up, so a char with no auras could push his combat skills higher.

Of course, it's just my take on this, I just feel it makes the whole thing a bit more dynamic.

Oh, and I don't agree with Charan on that account, I quite like the new staff.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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